Dear Incubator PMCs,

Oozie Incubator community has voted on the Oozie 3.2.0-incubating release.

The tally of the votes is:

Results: 8 +1 votes, 0 -1 votes

  developers/users: 3 +1 (mona, jeremy, roman)
  committers: 4 +1 (harsh, virag, angelo, tucu)
  mentors: 1 +1 (alan)

Below you'll find the email sent to the Oozie developer alias with the VOTE
request. There you'll find the details of the release and where to download
the release artifact.

Vote closes on Monday JUN/04 17:00 PST.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alejandro Abdelnur <>
Date: Tue, May 29, 2012 at 3:23 PM
Subject: [VOTE] Release Oozie 3.2.0-incubating (candidate 1)

Dear Oozie community,

The release candidate 1 for for Oozie 3.2.0-incubating is available.

Changes from candidate 0:

* removes native files and adds instructions on how to test Pipe
* consolidate rat report
* minor fix in the demo example

Some of the new features are:

* Hive action
* Sqoop action
* Shell action
* Tool to create/upgrade database schema
* Kerberos SPNEGO authentication
* Proxy User capabilities for Oozie users
* Job ACLs support
* Improved Job information over HTTP REST API
* Improved Workflow validation
* Sharelib directories per action
* EL functions for Workflow and Coordinator applications

In addition it includes several improvements for performance and
stability and several bug fixes.

Keys used to sign the release are available at

Please download, test, and try it out:

The release, md5 signature, gpg signature, and rat report can all be
found at the above URL.

Vote closes on Friday JUN/01 15:30 PST.



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