
I would like to call a vote for accepting Helix for incubation in the
Apache Incubator. I have pasted the full proposal below.

Please cast your vote:

[ ] +1, bring Helix into Incubator
[ ] +0, I don't care either way,
[ ] -1, do not bring Helix into Incubator, because ...

This vote will be open for 72 hours and only votes from the Incubator
PMC are binding.

Kishore G

== Abstract ==
Helix is a cluster management system for managing partitioned and
replicated resources in distributed data systems.

== Proposal ==
Helix provides an abstraction that separates coordination and
management tasks from functional tasks of a distributed system. The
developer defines the system behavior via a state machine, the
transitions between those states, and constraints on states and
transitions that govern the system’s valid settings. Helix ensures the
distributed system satisfies the state machine, controlling state
changes as appropriate during common operational activities such as
upgrades, component failures, bootstrapping, running maintenance
tasks, and adding capacity.

== Background ==
Helix was developed at LinkedIn to manage large clusters for several
diverse applications, including a distributed, partitioned,
replicated, highly available document store with a master-slave model,
a search service with multiple replicas that are updated atomically
and in near real-time, and a change data capture service for reliably
transporting database changes to caches, other dependent databases and

These services use Helix to reliably manage dozens of clusters in
multiple data centers.  These services meet stringent SLAs at large
scale for mission-critical production applications such as search,
social gestures, and profiles.
Helix has proven to be flexible for a wide variety of system
configurations and operational patterns, is easy to integrate, with
pluggable interfaces enabling custom behavior.  It depends on Apache
Zookeeper for coordination and tracking of system state across the
cluster, as well as providing fault tolerance.
Helix is written in Java. It was developed internally at LinkedIn to
meet our particular use cases, but will be useful to many
organizations facing a similar need to manage large clusters.
Therefore, we would like to share it the ASF and begin developing a
community of developers and users within Apache.

== Rationale ==
Many organizations can benefit from a generalized cluster management
system such as Helix. While our distributed data systems use-cases for
a very large website like LinkedIn has driven the design of Helix, its
uses are varied and we expect many new use cases to emerge.

== Current Status ==
=== Meritocracy ===
Our intent with this incubator proposal is to start building a diverse
developer community around Helix following the Apache meritocracy
model. Since Helix was initially developed in late 2011, we have had
fast adoption and contributions by multiple teams at LinkedIn.
We plan to continue support for new contributors and work with those
who contribute significantly to the project to make them committers.

=== Community ===
Helix is currently being used internally at LinkedIn and is in
production in that company for customer-facing features. Recent public
presentations of Helix and its goals garnered much interest from
potential contributors. We hope to extend our contributor base
significantly and invite all those who are interested in building
large-scale distributed systems to participate.
To further this goal, we use GitHub issue tracking and branching facilities.

=== Core Developers ===
Helix is currently being developed by three engineers at LinkedIn:
Kishore Gopalakrishna, Shi Lu and Jason Zheng, and Adam Silberstein,
an engineer at Trifacta.  Kishore, the lead developer and architect,
has experience within Apache as an S4 committer. Shi developed the
partition to node mapping and rebalancing algorithm, cluster admin
APIs, and the health check framework.  Jason developed the cluster
controller and most of the test framework.  Adam developed the rich
alerting framework that enables cluster-wide, “intelligent“ alerts.

=== Alignment ===
The ASF is the natural choice to host the Helix project as its goal of
encouraging community-driven open-source projects fits with our vision
for Helix. Many projects that can benefit from Helix will rely on
Apache ZooKeeper for cluster state management, and can far more easily
achieve their operational goals by using Helix.

== Known Risks ==
=== Orphaned Products ===
The core developers plan to work full time on the project. There is
very little risk of Helix being abandoned as it is a critical part of
LinkedIn's internal infrastructure and is in production use.

=== Inexperience with Open Source ===
Only one of the core developers has experience with open source
development. Kishore has been actively involved with the ASF as a
committer and lead developer of S4.

=== Homogeneous Developers ===
The current core developers are all from LinkedIn. However, we hope to
establish a developer community that includes contributors from
several corporations and we are actively encouraging new contributors
via the mailing lists and public presentations of Helix.

=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
Currently, the developers are paid to do work on Helix. However, once
the project has a community built around it, we expect to get
committers, developers and community from outside the current core
developers. However, because LinkedIn relies on Helix internally, the
reliance on salaried developers is unlikely to change.

=== Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
Helix uses Apache ZooKeeper to coordinate its state amongst the
managed cluster components and for leader election to provide fault
tolerance, and uses Apache Maven for build management.

=== An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
While we respect the reputation of the Apache brand and have no doubts
that it will attract contributors and users, our interest is primarily
to give Helix a solid home as an open source project following an
established development model. We have also given reasons in the
Rationale and Alignment sections.

== Documentation ==
Information about Helix can be found at
[https://github.com/linkedin/helix/wiki]. The following links provide
more information about the project:

 * Home Page: http://linkedin.github.com/helix/
 * Github source: https://github.com/linkedin/helix
 * Documentation: https://github.com/linkedin/helix/wiki
 * Javadocs: http://linkedin.github.com/helix/apidocs/

== Initial Source ==
Helix has been under development at LinkedIn since April 2011. It is
currently hosted on github under the Apache license 2 at
Helix is written in Java. Its source tree is entirely self-contained
and relies on Maven as its build system and dependency resolution

== External Dependencies ==
The dependencies all have Apache compatible licenses.
 * log4j
 * zookeeper
 * xstream
 * jackson-core-asl
 * jackson-mapper-asl
 * commons-io
 * commons-cli
 * commons-math
 * zkclient
 * camel-josql
 * camel-core
 * gentlyweb-utils
 * josql
 * commons-management
 * commons-logging-api
 * org.restlet
 * com.noelios.restlet
 * net.sf.jsqlparser

Non-Apache build tools that are used by Helix are as follows:
 * Cobertura: GNU GPLv2
Note that Cobertura is optional and is only used for calculating unit
test coverage.

== Cryptography ==
Not applicable.

== Required Resources ==
=== Mailing Lists ===
 * helix-private for private PMC discussions (with moderated subscriptions)
 * helix-dev
 * helix-commits
 * helix-user

=== Git Directory ===
Since Git is now available to be used as primary repo type, Helix
would be available in the git repository instead of svn.

=== Issue Tracking ===

=== Other Resources ===
The existing code already has unit and integration tests, so we would
like a Jenkins instance to run them whenever a new patch is submitted.
This can be added after project creation.

== Initial Committers ==
 * Kishore Gopalakrishna
 * Shi Lu
 * Zhen Zheng
 * Adam Silberstein
 * Kapil Surlaker
 * Bob Schulman
 * Swaroop Jagadish
 * Rahul Aggarwal
 * Terence Yim
 * Santiago Perez

== Affiliations ==
 * Kishore Gopalakrishna (LinkedIn)
 * Shi Lu (LinkedIn)
 * Jason Zheng (LinkedIn)
 * Adam Silberstein (Trifacta)
 * Kapil Surlaker (LinkedIn)
 * Bob Schulman (LinkedIn)
 * Swaroop Jagadish (LinkedIn)
 * Rahul Aggarwal (LinkedIn)
 * Terence Yim (LinkedIn)
 * Santiago Perez (LinkedIn)

== Sponsors ==
=== Champion ===
 * Patrick Hunt (Apache Member)

=== Nominated Mentors ===
 * Patrick Hunt  (Apache Member)
 * Mahadev Konar (Apache Member)
 * Owen O'Malley (Apache Member)

=== Sponsoring Entity ===
We are requesting the Incubator to sponsor this project.

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