On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Joe Schaefer <joe_schae...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Just think about this for a second, what's more
> likely for people to start suing us over, some
> bug in the NOTICE file or an undetected backdoor
> in one of our programs?  I am personally far more
> concerned about the current state of the actual
> review going on in our podlings than I am about
> NOTICE minutia.

I agree with your general concern of us missing the
forest for the trees. Yet, I have no silver bullet for
how to visualize the forest either except for trying
to infuse the sense of urgency around these issues
into the incubating PMCs.

Thus I view us being pedantic when it comes to licensing
minutia as a double edge sword. On one hand, we should
never forget that this is but the simplest way of us harping
on one of the most important issue for the foundation and
NOT a end in and of itself. On the other hand, if we stop
using licensing nits as a forcing function to make PMC aware,
I'm not sure we are left with too many chance of having
that type of a conversation with the project.


P.S. I know this could be difficult for the veterans to appreciate,
but I constantly come across fresh grads not understanding
licensing  implication *at all*. This is especially true for those who
by the luck of a draw ended up interning/etc for the service-oriented
companies like Google/Twitter/Facebook/Yahoo (cue RMS with
AGPL ;-)).

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