On 13 June 2013 14:12, Alan Cabrera <l...@toolazydogs.com> wrote:
> On Jun 13, 2013, at 1:10 AM, Ross Gardler <rgard...@opendirective.com> wrote:
>> On 13 June 2013 04:56, Alan Cabrera <l...@toolazydogs.com> wrote:
>>> On Jun 12, 2013, at 7:12 PM, Ross Gardler <rgard...@opendirective.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> So here's a thought...
>> ...
>>>> I would therefore like to propose that we use Apache Stratos as a test
>>>> case for the "probationary TLP" idea. I've already talked to Chris
>>>> (who is driving the deconstruct the IPMC case) and Ant (who is less
>>>> keen on dismantling the IPMC but wants to see how a probationary TLP
>>>> model will play out). Both have agreed to help with this experiment if
>>>> the IPMC and the Board wish it to proceed. I have not, however,
>>>> discussed it with all the initial comitters or even mentors - I'm
>>>> expecting them to speak up now.
>> ...
>>>> So, what do you think?
>>> I don't see the need to force Stratos through the Incubator given the 
>>> current proposed membership.  Some points:
>>> Who's responsible for monitoring the probation, the IPMC or the board?  I 
>>> think it should be the IPMC.
>> I think we should come up with a concrete plan then go to the board.
>> If the board is OK with taking it on then it should be board as this
>> will be closer to Chris' defined end goal.
>> In either case I undertake, as I noted in my original mail, to be the
>> one that steps up to fix things if it all goes wrong. That's true
>> whether it is IPMC or Board.
> I guess the details of how this governance will work, what are the roles, and 
> who will fill them, will need to be ironed out.

Yes. Of course in this case I'm proposing a period as a podling to
give us time to iron those details out. However, here's my starting

This is just a TLP so we need to identify is committers, PMC, PMC
chair. My starting suggestion is:

- commiters (see proposal)
- PMC members (I suggest initial membership is the mentors, the
mentors seek to vote initial committers into the PMC as quickly as
- PMC chair (I would suggest the chair is the Champion until the PMC
is confident enough to elect one from their own ranks - should be done
ASAP, but certainly before graduation)

>>> What bits must absolutely be done before probation begins?
>> That needs to be defined. Given the fact the next board meeting is
>> only a week away I suggest we first make this a podling to allow us to
>> start the project here at the ASF. We can then work with the various
>> committees to work out what the right set-up process is (i.e. don't
>> set up as a podling, set up as a pTLP). We can then shoot for
>> submitting a board resolution next month.
>> I have already made it clear to the proposers of the project that
>> taking this route will result in a slightly longer set-up period
>> (because of the need to define new policies along the way). They are
>> comfortable trading slower set-up for potentially faster graduation.
> It would probably be good to be clear on what are the exact characteristics 
> that make this podling pTLP worthy for the future.  For example, the number 
> of ASF veterans in its ranks.

The board expects a TLP to be able to make releases. That requires 3
+1 votes. That implies 3 initial PMC members. According to my starting
proposal above this means 3 mentors minimum. This in turn matches what
has come to be common practice in the IPMC.

>> So to recap the proposed timeline:
>> - IPMC votes on accepting the podling with the intention of moving it to a 
>> pTLP
>> - mentors (with Chris' assistance) guide project committers in working
>> with the various committees to define incubation/probation process
>> - submit a board resolution in July to create the pTLP
>>  - if project is not ready to do so this can be delayed until August
>> - If the board are unhappy with the project then I am called in to
>> clear up the mess I made
>> - If the board are happy with progress submit a resolution to become a
>> TLP in <12 months (target 6 months)
> +1
> Though I wouldn't put a date on TLP; keep things simple.  We don't for 
> podlings and since the pTLP will be filled with trustworthy ASF members we 
> can trust they will do the right thing.

Yes, I did wonder about that when I was writing this. I kept adding
and removing it. I would like a date in there as targets are always
something to aim for. The fact we don't have such a target for
podlings is one of the items that some people suggest needs fixing.
That said, the board is sensible enough to give a pTLP longer than the
target if it is clear things are moving in the right direction. I
would suggest we keep the date but make sure it is only a guideline.


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