While excited by this technology and project, I have to be -1.

Why? A project should start with at least 3 mentors. AFAIK I am the only Mentor 
other than Florian.

If someone volunteers, my -1 will become a +1, instantly.


On Jul 1, 2013, at 3:38 AM, Florian Müller wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'd like to call a VOTE for acceptance of Olingo into the Apache incubator.
> The proposal is pasted at the bottom on this email.
> The corresponding wiki page is: 
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/OlingoProposal
> [ ] +1 Accept Olingo into the Apache incubator
> [ ] +0 Don't care.
> [ ] -1 Don't accept Olingo into the incubator because...
> +1 from me (binding)
> I'll close the VOTE next Sunday.
> Thanks,
> Florian
> = Apache Olingo Proposal =
> === Abstract ===
> Apache Olingo is a generic Java language implementation of the OData 2.0 
> specification which will serve as a code base for the upcoming OASIS OData 
> specification.
> === Proposal ===
> The Open Data Protocol (OData) [1] is a Web protocol for querying and 
> updating data that provides a way to unlock your data and free it from silos 
> that exist in applications today. OData does this by applying and building 
> upon Web technologies such as HTTP, Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) and 
> JSON to provide access to information from a variety of applications, 
> services, and stores.
> The Apache Olingo is a library which enables developers to implement OData 
> producers and OData consumers. Basic principles of the library are to provide 
> an OData 2.0 specification compliant OData Library, enhancements shall be 
> possible in a compatible manner, have a clear separation between Core and 
> API, to provide an option to build extensions on top. This library should be 
> base for implementing future releases of the specification.
> === Background ===
> OData was originally developed by Microsoft and is released in a version 2.0 
> under an Open Specification Promise [2]. A lot of companies did show 
> interests in this protocol, used it in products and gave feedback back to 
> Microsoft. This joined effort resulted in a new release OData 3.0 in 2012, 
> this version became the basis for the OASIS technical committee [3] which is 
> currently working on a new version of the specification. This OASIS standard 
> release is expected this year.
> The initial Java code of this project was developed by a development team 
> that had already experience with other OData 2.0 and 3.0 implementations at 
> SAP AG. The current code base implements OData 2.0 and because of this 
> version is widely used it is a good starting point to build an open source 
> community for the OData standard.
> The current code also comes up with an implementation of an OData sample 
> service. On the one side this is an example for users which want to use the 
> library to expose their own data and on the other side it illustrates how 
> implemented features work.
> Additionally, the code base includes an extension which is called JPA 
> processor. With this extension it is easy to expose any JPA persistence model 
> via OData protocol without a lot of coding.
> === Rationale ===
> More software vendors moving to OData means more choice for customers who 
> will be able to use different implementations. For the standard to succeed, 
> however, ensuring interoperability is paramount: in order to manage an ever 
> growing context and leverage the enormous portability and interoperability 
> issues that a globally adopted standard brings, it is necessary to think 
> about how to make the related ecosystem healthy and sustainable. Successful 
> modern standards are driven by:
> Clear documentation, built iteratively with continuous feedback from 
> stakeholders
> A clearly defined compatibility process, enforced by tools that allow to 
> gauge how implementations can be compatible and interoperable
> Accurate compliance criteria, documented in writing as well as in actual 
> testing code that measure how tools and libraries are able to interoperate
> A sample implementation to clear up potential doubts and ensure that the 
> standard can actually be implemented in real life scenarios
> The above mentioned pieces are able to make the development activity, towards 
> an OData implementation, easier and more successful. Having an healthy 
> ecosystem will ensure a smoother implementation process, more compliant 
> products, and ultimately, a wider adoption of the standard.
> The OData ecosystem has been successful in creating and documenting early 
> versions of the standard, yet it might potentially lack two very important 
> aspects, that is a exhaustive implementation of the complete protocol that 
> can be used productively and to ensure interoperability. As much as such 
> artifacts can be developed independently by any OData proponent, the value of 
> having a neutral party as a steward of actual code is to be considered. The 
> Apache Software Foundation has been playing this kind of role for many years, 
> and can provide the perfect environment to foster contributions on the OData 
> theme with a great amount of expertise.
> === Initial Goals ===
> Implement OData 2.0, make it final and mature
> Start implementation of OASIS OData draft specification
> Provide input and feedback for the draft specification to the OASIS OData TC 
> based on implementation
> Implement OData add-ons (library extensions and toolset)
> == Current Status ==
> === Meritocracy ===
> Most of the initial committers are open source developers with different 
> experience levels and many of them have already worked in other open source 
> or Apache projects. We will follow standard Apache procedures in accepting 
> new contributors to the project team.
> === Community ===
> Managed by an OASIS Technical Committee, the OData standard definition should 
> be based on the idea of a community driven effort.
> Apache Olingo aims to be a community driven initiative in developing a Java 
> OData implementation. Such an approach is allowing more transparency and 
> direct feedback even within the definition and improvement of OData 
> specifications.
> We encourage everyone interested in OData to join the Apache Olingo effort.
> === Core Developers ===
> The development team is international and they have all strong skills in 
> OData protocol. Jens Huesken who is member of the OASIS OData TC is providing 
> specification feedback since OData 2.0. Stephan Klevenz, also a OASIS OData 
> TC member, was a committer of the Apache Chemistry project. He has experience 
> with the Incubator and Apache and was also a speaker on ApacheCon 2012 in 
> Vancouver. Christian Amend, Michael Bolz and Tamara Boehm did implement core 
> parts of the library. Chandan V A, Anirban Roy, Chitresh Chauhan, Jobin John 
> and Joerg Singler are working on the JPA processor add on.
> === Alignment ===
> The project builds with Apache Maven, the core runtime requires Apache CXF 
> for REST binding (JAX-RS) and the sample scenario can be deployed into any 
> compliant Servlet or J2EE container like Apache Tomcat. Furthermore we see 
> OData protocol as an option to be supported by other Apache projects that 
> have to expose data via a standardized protocol based interface.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned products ===
> Apache Olingo is a fresh new codebase that targets the still moving OData 
> standardization effort. Thus the future of this project depends heavily on 
> the success of the standard. We hope and expect that our implementation 
> efforts will strengthen and support the OData standard.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> Some of the initial committers are experienced open source developers. But 
> there are also committers which are new to open source.
> === Homogenous Developers ===
> The initial committers are from SAP working in different teams. One team is 
> from Germany and has implemented the core parts of the library and the other 
> team is from India and has implemented the JPA processor add-on.
> === Reliance of Salaried Developers ===
> All of the initial committers are paid by SAP to work on this or related 
> projects.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> Apache Olingo will directly use at least the following projects:
> * Apache CXF - for REST bindings
> * Apache Commons - for encoding/decoding
> Other Apache projects may be interested in using Apache Olingo to add OData 
> support once the standard is final. List of potential integrators:
> * Apache Bloodhound
> === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> We value Apache as a neutral place where diverse communities can work 
> together on implementing shared standards. We hope that this part of the 
> Apache brand helps attract contributions from many potential OData standard 
> consumers. However, the brand value is not the main reason why we prefer to 
> have this project at Apache.
> == Documentation ==
> This project is still at an early stage, so there is not much documentation 
> available. See the OASIS OData page and odata.org web site for information 
> about the OData standardization effort.
> == Initial Source ==
> https://github.com/SAP/cloud-odata-java
> https://www.ohloh.net/p/cloud-odata-java
> Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
> The complete code is under Apache Software License 2.
> == External Dependencies ==
> All the external dependencies of the initial codebases comply with Apache 
> licensing policies.
> == Cryptography ==
> Apache Olingo is not expected to implement or use cryptographic code.
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing lists ===
> olingo-dev'at'incubator.apache.org
> olingo-commits'at'incubator.apache.org
> olingo-private'at'incubator.apache.org
> === Subversion Directory ===
> writeable Git Repository (preferred)
> git://git.apache.org/olingo.git
> or SVN Directory
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/olingo
> === Issue Tracking ===
> JIRA Olingo
> === Other Resources ===
> none
> === Initial Committers ===
> Name                    Email
> Stephan Klevenz         sklevenz'at'apache.org
> Jens Huesken            jens.huesken'at'sap.com
> Christian Amend         christian.amend'at'sap.com
> Michael Bolz            michael.bolz'at'sap.com
> Tamara Boehm            tamara.boehm'at'sap.com
> Chandan V A             chandan.v.a'at'sap.com
> Anirban Roy             anirban.roy'at'sap.com
> Chitresh Chauhan        chitresh.chauhan'at'sap.com
> Jobin John              jobin.john'at'sap.com
> Joerg Singler           joerg.singler'at'sap.com
> Francesco Chicchiriccò  ilgrosso'at'apache.org
> === Affiliations ===
> Name                    Affilitation
> Stephan Klevenz         SAP AG
> Jens Huesken            SAP AG
> Christian Amend         SAP AG
> Michael Bolz            SAP AG
> Tamara Boehm            SAP AG
> Chandan V A             SAP AG
> Anirban Roy             SAP AG
> Chitresh Chauhan        SAP AG
> Jobin John              SAP AG
> Joerg Singler           SAP AG
> Francesco Chicchiriccò  Tirasa
> === Sponsors ===
> == Champion ==
> Florian Mueller
> == Nominated Mentors ==
> Florian Mueller (fmui at apache.org)
> Dave Fisher (wave at apache.org)
> == Sponsoring Entiy ==
> Incubator PMC
> === Links ===
> [1] http://www.odata.org
> [2] 
> http://www.microsoft.com/openspecifications/en/us/programs/osp/default.aspx
> [3] https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=odata
> [4] https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/membership.php?wg_abbrev=odata
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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