It seems that the brilliant "Voting Status" monitor
has fallen into disrepair. Partly due to people
not properly following up with a clear RESULT tally
and partly perhaps inadequacies of the monitor script.

Follow the top-left link from the Incubator home:

Items coloured any shade of orange need attention.

We all need to care for these tools to assist us
through incubation efficiently.

Would people who have an interest in each open entry
please review the email archives to see why your
result summary tally email was not detected.

Perhaps you forgot to prepend "[RESULT]".
Or maybe changed the email Subject too and so
confused the monitor.

If so then please send a followup to your VOTE thread.
That will cause the monitor to clear its backlog.

However, i do see some that should be marked as Resolved.

So maybe the script that does this scan needs tweaks
to pattern matching. The code is there for all
in the top-level of Incubator SVN.

Please add more instructions to the docs:


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