This is an interesting point that some people asked us about (not sure how much 
it really mattered, but perhaps it did). Maybe the incubator can be re-branded 
somehow as an “inbound” location or something like that. The name incubator 
does makes it seem like the software is not mature, but the incubator is of 
course used for both new software and software being transferred into the ASF.


On Feb 2, 2014, at 8:36 AM, Henry Saputra <> wrote:

> I think one of the topics to be covered is about quality.
> Perception in incubator that it is a low quality so some podlings want
> to graduate ASAP without learning fully the ropes of being ASF
> community.
> - Henry
> On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 11:46 AM, Suresh Marru <> wrote:
>> These are great topics Marvin, looking foreword for them.
>> Hi All,
>> I am planning to propose a talk targeted for recently graduated incubator 
>> podlings. Along with sharing my own experiences, I want to highlight 
>> importance of giving back to IPMC by hanging around and helping future 
>> podlings, and most importantly some of the pitfalls to avoid once we move 
>> into self-governance mode.
>> Any volunteers to join in co-presenting this talk or contributing to the 
>> content? We don’t need to overwhelm the mailing list and choose to directly 
>> email me at smarru at a.o
>> Thanks,
>> Suresh
>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 8:04 PM, Marvin Humphrey <> wrote:
>>> Greets,
>>> I'm planning to propose two presentations for ApacheCon Denver: one on
>>> releases, and one overview of the Incubator.
>>>   _Releasing Apache Software_
>>>   This presentation will explore technical, procedural, legal and cultural
>>>   aspects of releasing Apache software; the distinction between "releasing"
>>>   and "distributing"; the relationship between Apache's source releases and
>>>   binary artifacts; evolving consensus as to what liberties may be taken
>>>   with "incubating" releases; and how codifying the release process helps to
>>>   fortify the the Apache brand.
>>>   Audience: Apache committers
>>>   Level: intermediate
>>>   _Getting the Most Out of the Incubator_
>>>   Knowing what to expect from the incubation process is of great benefit for
>>>   both contributors to projects currently under incubation and those
>>>   considering bringing a project to Apache.  We'll cover the major stages of
>>>   incubation, the institutions and roles that incubating projects must
>>>   interact with, and how to get the most out for what you put in.
>>>   Audience: Anyone with an interest in the Incubator.
>>>   Level: beginner
>>> Thoughts, feedback?  Anybody else submitting talks?
>>> Marvin Humphrey
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