I added you to the mentors list in the proposal.

On 04/07/2014 03:47 PM, Henry Saputra wrote:
Thanks Sebastian, always love to see project from academic setting to be
materialized as an Apache project

On Monday, April 7, 2014, Sebastian Schelter <s...@apache.org> wrote:

You're very welcome to join as a mentor, Henry!

On 04/06/2014 07:34 PM, Henry Saputra wrote:

Hi Guys,

The proposal looks great and I would love to help to sign up as a
Mentor if you guys still have space for one.

- Henry

On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 12:14 AM, Alan Gates <ga...@hortonworks.com>

I would like to propose Stratosphere as an Apache Incubator project.  I
have posted the proposal to https://wiki.apache.org/
incubator/StratosphereProposal and posted the text of the proposal below.


= Stratosphere =

== Abstract ==
Stratosphere is an open source system for parallel data analysis.
Stratosphere deeply integrates MapReduce and database technologies to
provide expressive and optimizable programming interfaces and at the same
time efficient and scalable execution.

== Proposal ==
Stratosphere is an open source system for expressive, declarative, fast,
and efficient data analysis. Stratosphere combines the scalability and
programming flexibility of distributed MapReduce-like platforms with the
efficiency, out-of-core execution, and query optimization capabilities
found in parallel databases.

== Background ==
There is currently a need for general-purpose cluster computing platforms
that are compatible with the Hadoop ecosystem, are more efficient, easier
to use, and can support more applications than Hadoop MapReduce, but are
not restricted to a specific data model and language (such as the
relational model and a variant of SQL). Stratosphere fulfils these needs.

Stratosphere exposes expressive APIs in Java and Scala (conceptually
similar to Spark, Cascading, Scalding) that allow arbitrary user-defined
functions in the same language and data model that the program is written
in. Stratosphere programs pass through a cost-based optimizer that finds
the best execution path for these programs depending on the data and
cluster characteristics. The design and implementation of Stratosphere is
based on research that generalizes query optimizers in relational
databases. Stratosphere has a distributed runtime that is architected upon
the principles of parallel databases, providing true pipelining (a basis
for stream processing) and efficient out-of-core algorithms for grouping,
sorting, joining, and aggregating data. Stratosphere provides first-class
support for iterative algorithms via a built-in iterate operator, covering
Machine Learning and graph analysis use cases. It achieves performance
similar to Apache Giraph without being a specialized gr

ph processing system.

Stratosphere has undergone three major releases (v0.1, v0.2, v0.4) and
some minor ones.

== Rationale ==
Stratosphere started out in 2008 as a research project by the Technical
University of Berlin, the Humboldt University of Berlin, and the Hasso
Plattner Institute, and has received subsequent funding from the German
Research Council, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, the
European Commision, and industry.

The traction of Stratosphere has by far exceeded our initial expectations,
and we are therefore seeking an organizational long-term home for
Stratosphere beyond the University walls that will house and further
encourage contributors from companies and other organizations that are
interested in Stratosphere. We believe that the Apache Software Foundation
is the ideal home for Stratosphere. Stratosphere integrates with several
existing Apache projects, such as HDFS, YARN, HBase, and Avro. The team is
familiar with the Apache processes and fully subscribes to the Apache
mission. One of the proposing members is a long-time Apache contributor and
PMC member.

== Initial Goals ==
   * Move the existing codebase to Apache
   * Integrate with the Apache development process
   * Ensure all dependencies are compliant with Apache License version 2.0
   * Incremental development and releases per Apache guidelines

== Current Status ==
=== Meritocracy ===
Stratosphere operated on meritocratic principles from the get go. The
initial project proposal submitted to the German Research Council
in 2008 stated that all code developed in the project will be released as
open source under the Apache 2 license. Currently, all the
discussions pertaining to Stratosphere development are public on [[
https://github.com/stratosphere/stratosphere|GitHub]]  and our 

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