On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 2:32 PM, Marvin Humphrey <mar...@rectangular.com> wrote:
>>>>        RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
>>>>        hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
>>>>        Apache Celix Project:
>>>>          * Alexander Broekhuis               <abro...@apache.org>
>>>>          * Pepijn Noltes                          <pnol...@apache.org>
>>>>          * Bjoern Petri                            <bpe...@apache.org>
>>>>          * Erik Jansman                         <ejan...@apache.org>
> Four is a very small number for a PMC.  I've commonly heard people argue that
> five should be the cutoff.  If just two people move on, the project won't be
> able to make releases.
> My personal feeling is that small PMCs are OK when at least one member has
> been added during incubation (demonstrating openness) and when the project has
> been around for years with stable core personnel who are unlikely to
> disappear.  But four is still really low, and it wouldn't surprise me if
> the Board objected.

Personally, I don't feel this is a big deal. The PMC size is appropriate
given the overall project size. That said, I'd like to make two points:
   * in general, for a smaller project like Celix I'd like to encourage folks
     to consider PMC == committers
   * if anybody actually had prior examples of board raising it as an issue,
     I'd appreciate seeing pointers to the discussions


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