I feel this thread is about two different things. "The Apache Way" is not a
matter of Current Policies, but the underlying culture that drives the
policies forward. Compiling links to all policy documents into a
http://www.apache.org/foundation/policies.html, would be dirt easy and
solve that, if Google is too hard for you..

More analogies; Just like "Western Culture" is really hard to write down
(probably a book in itself to just describe it), so is "The Apache Way".
Yet, all of you who live in the west, recognize for MOST PARTS whether a
piece of activity is Western Culture or not. How do you do that without
reading the documentation and authoritative sources??
Not only does the culture change over time, it is accepted by different
individuals at different times, and there might be strong opinions about
whether a particular thing is part of the culture or not.

And I would argue that Culture is at its root "Communications", whether
that is two people talking, making a painting, food recipes being spread,
religion or collective violence against some group (not all culture is
positive). Same thing about "The Apache Way", it is all about
communications, how you communicate (board@ have been the biggest
offender), where you communicate, what you communicate, the action taken
from communications and so forth. Granted, there are many aspects then
derived from that root, but even that originates as communication (what is
called "the vast wasteland of Apache's websites and mailing list archives").

So, Marvin, if you are asking for a complete description of The Apache Way,
you are really asking for someone to write a book about it. Maybe you
should write it... ;-)
If you are merely asking for Current Policies to be easily found, then that
is quite doable...


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