Am 24.06.2015 14:04, schrieb Marvin Humphrey:
What differentiates the "general public" from "developers" is whether they are
aware of the conditions placed on the artifacts and thus exercising informed

What I don't understand is, why I am "exercising informed consent" if I read the something on a dev list, if I got there through google, a blog post, nabble or whatever. I mean I may not have searched for a snaphost for example, and only found a page explaining that may issue is solved if I do this and that. That could be on a blog for example.

The dev list restriction is for me just serving as fig leaf to have something defining this exercised consent.

Plus there are a ton of pages that link to nightly builds and snapshot on the official apache websites. There are only normally not on the top page, but in some "developer" or "how to build" section. From what I did read, I would have thought that this is not allowed.

bye blackdrag

Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou

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