On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 11:53 AM, Henry Saputra <henry.sapu...@gmail.com>

> To be fair, I will circle one more time to existing mentors for Eagle
> to confirm their commitment for active participation in the podling.
> Would that be acceptable solution?

Acceptable to whom? I bet you there are enough people who find the list of
mentors to be acceptable, despite Marvin's emails otherwise... :-)

To put it another way: it is unfair to pre-judge people. Even more,
*accepting* a podling should not be subject to a preapproved list of
mentors, since we have juggled mentors many times in the past. *Should* a
mentor be absent in the *future*, then they can be replaced. ... but I
believe it is better to be reactive, than to pre-judge.


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