Sorry for the late reply.
FYI there is an opensource project called torii already:
Whether there is a trademark or not, I'd recommend a name that does not
collide with another project.

On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 9:00 PM, Luciano Resende <>

> Thanks for all your feedback, we have updated the proposal with the
> following :
> - Renamed the project to Torii
> - Added new mentors that volunteered during the discussion
> Below is an updated proposal, which I will be calling for a vote shortly.
> = Torii =
> == Abstract ==
> Torii provides applications with a mechanism to interactively and remotely
> access Apache Spark.
> == Proposal ==
> Torii enables interactive applications to access Apache Spark clusters.
> More specifically:
>  * Applications can send code-snippets and libraries for execution by Spark
>  * Applications can be deployed separately from Spark clusters and
> communicate with the Torii using the provided Torii client
>  * Execution results and streaming data can be sent back to calling
> applications
>  * Applications no longer have to be network connected to the workers on a
> Spark cluster because the Torii acts as each application’s proxy
>  * Work has started on enabling Torii to support languages in addition to
> Scala, namely Python (with PySpark), R (with SparkR), and SQL (with
> SparkSQL)
> == Background & Rationale ==
> Apache Spark provides applications with a fast and general purpose
> distributed computing engine that supports static and streaming data,
> tabular and graph representations of data, and an extensive library of
> machine learning libraries. Consequently, a wide variety of applications
> will be written for Spark and there will be interactive applications that
> require relatively frequent function evaluations, and batch-oriented
> applications that require one-shot or only occasional evaluation.
> Apache Spark provides two mechanisms for applications to connect with
> Spark. The primary mechanism launches applications on Spark clusters using
> spark-submit (
>; this
> requires developers to bundle their application code plus any dependencies
> into JAR files, and then submit them to Spark. A second mechanism is an
> )
> which enables applications to issue SQL queries against SparkSQL.
> Our experience when developing interactive applications, such as analytic
> applications integrated with Notebooks, to run against Spark was that the
> spark-submit mechanism was overly cumbersome and slow (requiring JAR
> creation and forking processes to run spark-submit), and the SQL interface
> was too limiting and did not offer easy access to components other than
> SparkSQL, such as streaming. The most promising mechanism provided by
> Apache Spark was the command-line shell (
> )
> which enabled us to execute code snippets and dynamically control the tasks
> submitted to  a Spark cluster. Spark does not provide the command-line
> shell as a consumable service but it provided us with the starting point
> from which we developed Torii.
> == Current Status ==
> Torii was first developed by a small team working on an internal-IBM
> Spark-related project in July 2014. In recognition of its likely general
> utility to Spark users and developers, in November 2014 the Torii project
> was moved to GitHub and made available under the Apache License V2.
> == Meritocracy ==
> The current developers are familiar with the meritocratic open source
> development process at Apache. As the project has gathered interest at
> GitHub the developers have actively started a process to invite additional
> developers into the project, and we have at least one new developer who is
> ready to contribute code to the project.
> == Community ==
> We started building a community around Torii project when we moved it to
> GitHub about one year ago. Since then we have grown to about 70 people, and
> there are regular requests and suggestions from the community. We believe
> that providing Apache Spark application developers with a general-purpose
> and interactive API holds a lot of community potential, especially
> considering possible tie-in’s with Notebooks and data science community.
> == Core Developers ==
> The core developers of the project are currently all from IBM, from the IBM
> Emerging Technology team and from IBM’s recently formed Spark Technology
> Center.
> == Alignment ==
> Apache, as the home of Apache Spark, is the most natural home for the Torii
> project because it was designed to work with Apache Spark and to provide
> capabilities for interactive applications and data science tools not
> provided by Spark itself.
> The Torii also has an affinity with Jupyter ( because it uses
> the Jupyter protocol for communications, and so Jupyter Notebooks can
> directly use the Torii as a kernel for communicating with Apache Spark.
> However, we believe that the Torii provides a general-purpose mechanism
> enabling a wider variety of applications than just Notebooks to access
> Spark, and so the Torii’s greatest affinity is with Apache and Apache
> Spark.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned products ===
> We believe the Torii project has a low-risk of abandonment due to interest
> in its continuing existence from several parties. More specifically, the
> Torii provides a capability that is not provided by Apache Spark today but
> it enables a wider range of applications to leverage Spark. For example,
> IBM uses (and is considering) the Torii in several offerings including its
> IBM Analytics for Apache Spark product in the Bluemix Cloud. There are also
> a couple of other commercial users who are using or considering its use in
> their offerings. Furthermore, Jupyter Notebooks are used by data scientists
> and Spark is gaining popularity as an analytic engine for them. Jupyter
> Notebooks are very easily enabled with the Torii and so there is another
> constituency for it.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> The Torii project has been running as an open-source project (albeit with
> only IBM committers) for the past several months. The project has an active
> issue tracker and due to the interest indicated by the nature and volume of
> requests and comments, the team has publicly stated it is beginning to
> build a process so they can accept third-party contributions to the
> project.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> The Torii has a clear affinity with the Apache Spark project because it is
> designed to  provide capabilities for interactive applications and data
> science tools not provided by Spark itself. The Torii can be a back-end for
> the Zeppelin project currently incubating at Apache. There is interest from
> the Torii community to develop this capability and an experimental branch
> has been started.
> === Homogeneous Developers ===
> The current group of developers working on Torii are all from IBM although
> the group is in the process of expanding its membership to include members
> of the GitHub community who are not from IBM and who have been active in
> the Torii community in GutHub.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> The initial committers are full-time employees at IBM although not all work
> on the project full-time.
> === Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> We believe the Torii benefits Apache Spark application developers, and we
> are interested in an Apache Torii project to benefit these developers by
> engaging a larger community, facilitating closer ties with the existing
> Spark project, and yes, gaining more visibility for the Torii as a
> solution.
> === Documentation ===
> Comprehensive documentation including “Getting Started”, API specifications
> and a Roadmap are available from the GitHub project, see
> === Initial Source ===
> The source code resides at
> === External Dependencies ===
> The Torii depends upon a number of Apache projects:
>  * Spark
>  * Hadoop
>  * Ivy
>  * Commons
> The Torii also depends upon a number of other open source projects:
>  * ZeroMQ (LGPL with Static Linking Exception,
>  * Akka (MIT)
>  * JOpt Simple (MIT)
>  * Spring Framework Core (Apache v2)
>  * Play (Apache v2)
>  * SLF4J (MIT)
>  * Scala
>  * Scalatest (Apache v2)
>  * Scalactic (Apache v2)
>  * Mockito (MIT)
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing lists ===
>  * (with moderated subscriptions)
>  *
>  *
> === Git Repository ===
>  *
> === Issue Tracking ===
>  * A JIRA issue tracker:
> == Initial Committers ==
>  * Leugim Bustelo (lbustelo AT us DOT ibm DOT com)
>  * Jakob Odersky (odersky AT us DOT ibm DOT com)
>  * Luciano Resende (lresende AT apache DOT org)
>  * Robert Senkbeil (rcsenkbe AT us DOT ibm DOT com)
>  * Corey Stubbs (cstubbs AT us DOT ibm DOT com)
>  * Miao Wang (wangmiao AT us DOT ibm DOT com)
>  * Sean Welleck (swelleck AT us DOT ibm DOT com)
> === Affiliations ===
> All of the initial committers are employed by IBM.
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
>  * Sam Ruby (rubys AT apache DOT org)
> === Nominated Mentors ===
>  * Luciano Resende (lresende AT apache DOT org)
>  * Reynold Xin (rxin AT apache DOT org)
>  * Hitesh Shah (hitesh AT apache DOT org)
>  * Julien Le Dem (julien AT apache DOT org)
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
> The Apache Incubator.
> --
> Luciano Resende


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