On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 1:37 PM, Marvin Humphrey <mar...@rectangular.com> wrote:

> --------------------
> Corinthia
> Corinthia is a toolkit/application for converting between and editing common
> office file formats, with an initial focus on word processing. It is
> designed to cater for multiple classes of platforms - desktop, web, and
> mobile - and relies heavily on web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and
> JavaScript for representing and manipulating documents. The toolkit is
> small, portable, and flexible, with minimal dependencies. The target
> audience is developers wishing to include office viewing, conversion, and
> editing functionality into their applications.
> Corinthia has been incubating since 2014-12-08.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>   [none]  The IPMC Vote to retire Corinthia was approved on 2015-11-19
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   [none]
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>   The community effectively disbanded by withdrawal of the primary
>   developers on 2015-09-05.  The community crisis mentioned on the
>   2015-09-02 report was not resolved.
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>   Development ceased at the time of the last report.
> Date of last release:
>   2015-08-28 Release 0.1
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>   2015-08-31 Gavin McDonald
>   2015-06-12 Ian Cunningham
> Signed-off-by:
>   [ ](corinthia) Daniel Gruno
>   [ ](corinthia) Jan Iversen
>   [ ](corinthia) Dave Fischer

No Mentor signoff for Corinthia but the podling has been retired and this
report should stay.

> --------------------

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   Google's TensorFlow is getting a lot of media attention, but it's not
>   entirely clear yet what this means for us long term.

This is interesting but I don't think it's something that the IPMC and/or
Board need to be aware of, because there's no action to take.  It would
suffice to insert this information elsewhere in the report.

> --------------------
> Johnzon

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   * PPMC has voted for graduation

Similarly, this is interesting and belongs in the report, but is not
really an actionable item for IPMC/Board.

> --------------------
> log4cxx2
> Logging for C++
> log4cxx2 has been incubating since 2013-12-09.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>   1. Activate some community
>   2. Create a release
>   3.
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   No.
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>   Not grown. However, the project aims to become a sub project of Apache
>   Logging again. Community growth is not much a matter for this podling, as
>   long as there are a few active contributors.
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>   Not at all: There's no public development and it seems there's currently
>   only one originally incubating community member left. Though some support
>   is given and bugs are tracked.
> Date of last release:
>   2008-04-03 was the last official, pre-incubation 0.10.0
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
> Signed-off-by:
>   [ ](log4cxx2) Christian Grobmeier
>   [ ](log4cxx2) Scott Deboy

Christian has effectively disengaged as Mentor, leaving only Scott.  If Scott
does not sign off, we need to remove this report and ask them to resubmit next
month.  We may soon be trying to figure out what to do about this podling.

> --------------------
> MADlib

> Signed-off-by:
>   [ ](madlib) Konstantin Boudnik
>   [ ](madlib) Ted Dunning
>   [ ](madlib) Roman Shaposhnik

MADlib needs signoff.

> --------------------
> Myriad

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   Please vote for the Myriad 0.1.0 release!

Happily, this has been resolved.  I've added a comment to the report.

> Signed-off-by:
>   [ ](myriad) Benjamin Hindman
>   [ ](myriad) Danese Cooper
>   [ ](myriad) Ted Dunning
>   [ ](myriad) Luciano Resende

Myriad still needs signoff.

> --------------------
> Rya
> Rya (pronounced "ree-uh" /rēə/) is a cloud-based RDF triple store that
> supports SPARQL queries. Rya is a scalable RDF data management system built
> on top of Accumulo. Rya uses novel storage methods, indexing schemes, and
> query processing techniques that scale to billions of triples across
> multiple nodes.  Rya provides fast and easy access to the data through
> SPARQL, a conventional query mechanism for RDF data.
> Rya has been incubating since 2015-09-18.
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
>   1. Populate the website for the project
>   2. Expand the "how to" document to explain the ways new contributors can
>      become involved in the project, so we increase the size of the
>      community.
>   3. Become familiar with the release process and have a first release as
>      part of the Apache Foundation
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   No
> How has the community developed since the last report?
>   - We started having questions and some traffic on the dev list generated
>     by non-committers. There are 33 subscribers to the dev list, about half
>     of them non-committers.
>   - We started a discussion and created an initial draft of a document about
>     how new contributers can contribute to the project and what should be
>     the workflow.
>   - The initial committers continue to learn to use the Apache
>     infrastructure and processes.
> How has the project developed since the last report?
>   - Started working on updating the licence headers and poms to prepare for
>     an Apache release.
>   - Modified the Rya manual to markdown and linked it from the readme file,
>     so the documentation is easier to access.
>   - Working on new features: inconsistency detection, cloning, delete
>     support for secondary indices.
>   - Still working on creating a website for the project.
> Date of last release:
>   Not applicable
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
>   Not applicable
> Signed-off-by:
>   [x](rya) Josh Elser
>   [X](rya) Edward J. Yoon
>   [X](rya) Sean Busbey
>   [X](rya) Venkatesh Seetharam
> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
>   Sean Busbey (busbey):
>     Good community discussion this month. PPMC proactively reaching out to
>     mentors about ASF questions, which is great.
>   Josh Elser (elserj):
>     Steady progress being made by members. Nothing concerning to me.

This report from Rya is excellent.  The community clearly understands the task
at hand.  The Mentor comments are short but add value through providing an
additional perspective.

> --------------------
> Sentry

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   Graduation discussions have started. There seems to be some disagreement
>   on graduation readiness which led to a broad discussion on general@. Seems
>   like most of it is resolved but still need mentors agreement. The Sentry
>   community did a number of things since last report to address the
>   concerns/suggestions around the open communication.
>   1. Community monthly hangout, IRC channel that's just been setup.
>   2. Community members presented Sentry at the ApacheCon
>   3. Sentry meetup at NY during HadoopWorld

For now, I think the discussion on general@incubator was action enough, and no
further action is appropriate unless there is a contended graduation vote.

> --------------------
> Singa

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   The Github repository has scored 400+ stars and 150 forks. The developer
>   community is growing slowly: the total number now is 14 developers. After
>   the second release (with GPU) in December, it is expected that more
>   developers will come.

This is nice to hear (congrats!) but it's not actionable.  I'd suggest putting
stuff like this under "How has the community developed since the last

> --------------------
> Streams

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   # of contributors submitting and reviewing pull requests has remained
>   low this quarter. mentor participation has been low. the last PPMC vote
>   for a release had no -1's but failed to gain the necessary support for
>   submission to the IPMC.

The following comments have since been added in response:

    Shepherd/Mentor notes:

      Ate Douma (ate):

        As reported above, mentor support has been too low, including my own.
        I find the dwindling down of participation and contributions other
        than from only one (very) active committer (Steve Blackmon) worrisome.
        More or even primary focus should be turned towards community
        development instead of only churning out code.

        I've suggested some concrete steps for this and propose to give the
        project a bit more time to try building up a community and more
        contributor involvement. As a mentor I'll try to help out more as
        well.  However, if there is no substantial improvement within one or
        two reporting periods, it might be better to consider retirement

      Timothy Chen (tnachen):

        Seems like there is one active committer as mentioned, and the
        majority of the mailing list activity is from JIRA and github from the
        same committer as well.  Also second that will need to consider
        retirement if this continues.

Having "mentor participation" be low is not necessarily a bad sign.  Growing
a community takes sustained effort, and that effort has to come from podling

I would expect there to be one or a handful of exchanges between Mentors and
core contributors on e.g. how to engage new contributors, and then N
conversations over time whenever a new contributor shows up as they are
engaged by a core contributor.

In other words, it's not the Mentors who bear primary responsibility for
growing a community.

> --------------------
> SystemML

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   The community is blocked, and expects that the SystemML Apache JIRA
>   site will be available shortly, as detailed in INFRA-10714.

This issue remains unresolved.


For what it's worth, JIRA imports are labor-intensive and fiddly, so delays
have not been uncommon historically.

> --------------------
> Wave

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   The Wave project put its first release on the Incubator PMC, however, it
>   looks like the review takes a long time and we didn't get any
>   communication back.

> Shepherd/Mentor notes:
>   Upayavira:
>     Firstly, I believe Christian has resigned as a mentor, leaving just
>     myself.
>     As noted above, having struggled for a long time to pass a vote on a
>     release artifact, the Wave PPMC has now done this, and is waiting on the
>     members of the Incubator PMC to step forward and review the release.
>     Please review this release!
>     I myself have deliberately postponed voting, as my involvement at the
>     ASF has not involved much by way of release reviewing.

It's not uncommon for podlings who remain in the Incubator for a long time to
lack IPMC votes for releases.  (The problem used to be considerably worse.)
But it's poignant and unfortunate that when Wave finally gets its first
incubating release together after all this time, getting it ratified is so

I'll note that the one +1 IPMC vote comes from Justin Mclean, who has a
reputation for thoroughness in inspecting release candidates.  Perhaps that
can lend others more confidence about casting +1 votes even if their own
inspections are incomplete.

> --------------------
> Zeppelin

> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
> aware of?
>   There is an ongoing discussion [1] about speed of the patch landing being
>   low, as project gets more popular and attracts more contributions.
>   This issue, raised by one of the mentors, is acknowledged by the community
>   and there is work in progress on how the speed of the patch processing and
>   acceptance can be increased: by clarifying the contribution process [2],
>   discussing and documenting guidelines and best practices [3]
>   [1] http://markmail.org/message/74247pqyc4bwtntj
>   [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZEPPELIN-477
>   [3] http://markmail.org/thread/542sigkdhbcvugwt

Working through issues like this are what incubation is all about, and it
sounds like everything is being handled by the community with appropriate
guidance from the Mentors.

This kind of insight is *exactly* what belongs in a report -- so thank you
very much for providing it!  However, from what I read here, it would be
completely inappropriate for the wider IPMC (or Board for that matter) to take
action at this time.  Apache prefer decentralized self-governance.

Marvin Humphrey

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