This sounds very interesting; would you add me as an informal mentor? (I'm
afraid I am not eligible to be a capital-M Mentor :-)

I see you are interested in minimising dependencies and use Apache Jena,
perhaps there could also be potential for overlap with Apache Commons RDF,
which we are evolving to be a simple intermediate API plugging into Jena,
RDF4j and others? :-)

It would be good if didn't call
itself "Apache Juneau" before it has been accepted and imported into the
Apache Foundation, and similarly - both of these could be (kind
of future) trademark violations, particularly using "Apache" In the URL..

Could you change these titles and descriptions to a more neutral "proposed
Apache Incubator project"? You don't need to change the package names
before code import, but I would say having a Google site with "apache" in
its URL and title is misleading. (Accepted projects will get their own
website on ASF infrastructure, e.g. )

On 16 Jun 2016 5:52 p.m., "James Bognar" <>

> Hi all,
> I'd like to propose Juneau to be an Apache Incubator project.
> Juneau is a toolkit for marshalling POJOs to a wide variety of content
> types using a common framework, and for creating sophisticated
> self-documenting REST interfaces and microservices using VERY little code.
> Juneau has been in use for years on over 50 projects throughout IBM.
> Recently it was hosted as a component of Jazz Foundation where it was used
> by several projects that make up Rational Collaborative Lifecycle
> Management.  Many projects use only the marshalling framework, while others
> use the entire API to create sophisticated REST server/client interfaces.
> The link to the proposal can be found here:
> Thanks.
> --
> James Bognar

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