
Thank you for the feedback!  A few notes in-line below

On November 10, 2016 at 1:55:37 PM, Stian Soiland-Reyes ( 

My vote: +1 (non-binding) 

+1 checksums 
+1 mvn repo vs checksums 
+0 gpg signatures missing from dist, correct in mvn repo. KEYS not updated. 
+1 git tags match source dists (Except git is missing license files) 
+1 mvn apache-rat:check 
+1 no unexpected binaries 
+0 mvn clean install fails in test (order master/project/examples) 
+1 dependencies have compatible licenses (puh!) 

The build takes quite a long time, which I guess is natural 
considering the number of integrations. However I get a failure: 

[INFO] streams-plugin-hbase ............................... FAILURE [ 24.636 s] 
There are some OS / Maven / JDK combinations that can exhibit this behavior.  
The workaround is to supply


as part of -DargLine to maven.

All the other modules build fine. 

streams-master and incubator-streams-examples git repositories are 
missing LICENSE, NOTICE, DISCLAIMER (but they are there in the Release 
These files get added at build time by an apache maven plugin.

For GitHub a would also help. 

I’ve just noticed that streams-master lacks a README in the root directory.  
I’ll add one.

The build depends on the repository 
Why? This repository seems to slow down building a lot. 

Perhaps this could be enabled only in the modules that need it? 
Is it cloudera-packaged dependencies like 
org.apache.hadoop:cloudera-jets3t:jar:2.0.0-cdh4.6.0:provided and 
org.apache.pig:pig:jar:0.11.0-cdh4.6.0 ? 

(Full list of dependencies: ) 

This repository seems to pull in various re-packaging of Apache 
products, for instance 

You are right, we had a issue opened some time ago to switch those out for 
apache distribution dependencies.

Looks like it was closed prematurely.  I’ve re-opened it and tagged it for 0.5
Very good release preparation log! 


You need to add these *.asc files to the dist-folder:

(They do correctly verify against the files in dist, so I've used those :) 

The *.asc files have been added to the svn dist release area.  The release 
process document does mention them but they slipped through the cracks when 
moving artifacts from nexus to svn dist dev.

You should *append* the sblackmon.asc key to the existing file 

..o that it will contain both and keys. It's OK to do this before this RC has been 

Thanks for mentioning this - I didn’t know about this file or it’s 
significance.  Adding my key there now.

For the next release, could you add "apache-" as prefix to the archive 
filenames? This is not a requirement, but a good trademark measure. 

We have discussed this and failed to reach a consensus that doing so was 
universal practice, or worth the trouble at this stage of the project. 

Agree with John that the names of the repositories/archives is not 
very intuitive.. particularly as "master" is the head branch of git, 
and download of the current master from GitHub would typically append 
-master to the filename. 
(e.g. contains the folder incubator-streams-master-master/ ) 

In Taverna releases we have similar issue due to multiple git repos 
and versioning - we called it "taverna-parent" in its artifactid, 
incubator-taverna-maven-parent as git repo name and as filename 

I'm not saying that's a very good or consistent way (three names!) but 
I think at least something with "parent" would be better than 
This is good advice.  We’ll discuss on the project dev list.

Perhaps "core" is better than "project"? In a way your "master" is 
also the project as it has the site.. 

This is good advice.  We’ll discuss on the project dev list.

Build tested with: 

stain@biggiebuntu:/tmp/streams-rc$ mvn -v 
Apache Maven 3.3.9 (bb52d8502b132ec0a5a3f4c09453c07478323dc5; 
Maven home: /home/stain/software/maven 
Java version: 1.8.0_111, vendor: Oracle Corporation 
Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre 
Default locale: en_GB, platform encoding: UTF-8 
OS name: "linux", version: "4.4.0-45-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" 

On 7 November 2016 at 16:51, sblackmon <> wrote: 
> Hi Incubator PMC, 
> The Apache Streams community has voted and approved the proposal to 
> release Apache Streams 0.4 (incubating). 
> We now kindly request the Incubator PMC members to review and vote on this 
> incubator release. 
> PPMC and IPMC feedback received during rc1 and rc2 votes (respectively) have 
> been addressed with rc3. 
> Thread [VOTE] : 
> Thread [VOTE] [RESULT] : 
> The Release candidate to be voted upon is 0.4-incubating release candidate 
> (rc3), with the following artifacts up for a vote: 
> incubator-streams-master source tag (r0.4-incubating): 
> incubator-streams source tag (r0.4-incubating): 
> incubator-streams-examples source tag (r0.4-incubating): 
> Maven staging repo: 
> Source releases: 
> Checksums of 
> MD5: 182ed359685f35d950df3ba631d7d5e1 
> SHA1: 3cf0110f6a1abd7160ae40088d35ce1d9b581ac0 
> Checksums of 
> MD5: 5321f8c3f470d464a6f354d8b624c726 
> SHA1: ea294756549569e1a9392db362f3e3b33adc9dc1 
> Checksums of 
> MD5: e7af881128418f3a782bf90d669348cb 
> SHA1: f53abf0cd23e72f85b9877db7624df8f2e706f6c 
> Release artifacts are signed with the following key: 
> Note that Maven 3.3.9 and JDK 1.8+ are now required, and that MAVEN_OPTS 
> should set the java heap to at least 2G for best results. 
> These repositories must be built and installed locally in the right 
> order: first streams-master, then streams-project, finally streams-examples. 
> To see the full set of steps used to validate and perform the release 
> candidate, and review the output of each step, visit this public wiki page. 
> Note that to execute the full suite of integration tests, one must first 
> prepare a testing environment with docker databases and working credentials 
> to all providers. 
> Vote will be open for 72 hours. 
> [ ] +1 approve 
> [ ] +0 no opinion 
> [ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why) 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
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Stian Soiland-Reyes 

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