Can you bring this up on the relevant discussion thread?

On Jan 2, 2017 13:14, "Jean-Baptiste Onofré" <> wrote:

> By legal, I mean that some files may not contain required headers, or part
> of the code requires refactoring because it belongs to a non active
> developer (code created before the incubation) or the Software Grant
> Agreement is not yet signed for instance.
> I think during the first steps of the project (and so releases), it
> happens.
> Regards
> JB
> On 01/02/2017 07:10 PM, John D. Ament wrote:
>> JB
>> Can you clarify what you mean by legal here?
>> On Jan 2, 2017 13:05, "Jean-Baptiste Onofré" <> wrote:
>> -1
>> I understand your point, but, even if it's not in the version, having a
>> keyword that the project is still in incubation is important (from a legal
>> perspective, I don't talk about the release itself).
>> In the version, artifactId or classifier don't matter, however, having
>> this
>> flag is important IMHO.
>> Regards
>> JB
>> On 01/02/2017 06:22 PM, John D. Ament wrote:
>> All,
>>> I'm calling to vote on a proposed policy change.  Current guide at [1]
>>> indicates that maven artifacts should include incubator (or incubating)
>>> in
>>> the version string of maven artifacts.  Its labeled as a best practice,
>>> not
>>> a requirement and is not a policy followed on other repository management
>>> tools (e.g. PyPi).
>>> I therefore push forward that the incubator will cease expecting
>>> java-based
>>> projects to publish artifacts with "-incubating" in the version string,
>>> with the understanding that:
>>> - Incubating is a term used to refer to a project's stability, not a
>>> release's stability.  It is generally understood that incubating projects
>>> are not necessarily immature, but may have a potential of failing to
>>> become
>>> a TLP.
>>> - Podling releases are endorsed, the podling itself is not endorsed.  We
>>> will not approve releases that are blatantly against ASF policies.
>>> [ ] +1 Drop the -incubator/-incubating expectation of maven projects
>>> [ ] +/0
>>> [ ] -1 Don't drop because....
>>> [1]:
> --
> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
> Talend -
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