+1 (binding)

It looks like you're missing a Copyright propagation for work by Trevor Robinson in your NOTICE file. The license headers are for ASL (you are correct to have omitted this from LICENSE), but I believe you still need to propagate the copyright notice to your NOTICE in the src release for the "com/scurrilous/circe" work you include in src-form.

Your RAT exclusions are pretty broad (some, matching things you aren't even bundling). It would be in your best interest to pare down this list, ideally setting the exclusion in each Maven module, rather than in the parent module.

* xsums/sigs OK
* Can build from src
* L&N otherwise look ok on src

On 8/3/17 8:23 PM, Matteo Merli wrote:
This is the first release candidate for Apache Pulsar, version

Pulsar is a highly scalable, low latency messaging platform running on
commodity hardware. It provides simple pub-sub semantics over topics,
guaranteed at-least-once delivery of messages, automatic cursor management
for subscribers, and cross-datacenter replication.

Link to the voting thread from the dev@pulsar mailing list:

Major changes included in this release are:
  * Added stateless Pulsar proxy
  * Support for non-persistent topics
  * Upgraded RocksDB to comply with ASF policy
  * Instrumentation of ZooKeeper client to expose metrics
  * Fixes for TLS auth in WebSocket proxy

Complete list of changes can be found at:

Note that we are voting upon the source (tag), binaries are provided for

Source and binary files:

Maven staging repo:

The tag to be voted upon:
v1.19.0-incubating-candidate-0 (5125279b50f7a3da8c211b698580e1d2f4dd65e2)

Pulsar's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:

Please download the the source package, and follow the README to build
and run the Pulsar standalone service.

This vote will stay open for at least 72 hours.


Matteo Merli

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