Hi Henri,

We tried to use slack with the Juneau project and never got it to work "the 
Apache Way". Inviting people instead of self-service, no ability to monitor 
discussions, no archive of discussions. 

We gave up and now use the wiki whenever mail doesn't serve. Common editing of 
documents, diagrams, etc. are all easily done on confluence where email doesn't 
allow sharing documents.

I frankly do not see slack filling a need here.


> On Oct 13, 2017, at 9:51 PM, Henri Yandell <bay...@apache.org> wrote:
> Currently only 'admins' can invite people to the ASF Slack:
>  https://the-asf.slack.com/
> If we view it as an IRC equivalent, having to invite people at all is
> weird. We can, via a checkbox, change it so anyone on the ASF Slack (except
> 'guests') can invite someone to the Slack workspace:
> ----
> Invitations
> Choose whether to allow non-admins to invite new people to *ASF*.
> Allow everyone (except guests) to invite new members.
> ----
> I can't see why we'd have an issue there, so I'm planning to turn that
> checkbox on at the end of next week (Thursday or whenever I remember to
> after that :) ).
> If this is a bad idea, please object and let me know why :)
> Hen

Craig L Russell

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