> The 2.6.3 tag does not agree with the source release. This is a
> significant issue and enough for me to vote against the release. A diff
> shows most (all?) of the pom.xml have a version of "2.6.4-SNAPSHOT" in
> the tag but "2.6.3" in the source release.
> I dug into this a little. At first I thought the tag / commit in the
> vote was wrong. It is. But is isn't just that. If I go back to
> a8be0eaaddab198ed03b0150d4db03e2b22f023f
> things are better but:
> a) there are still differences
> b) the tag includes multiple commits after this point

Thanks for your feedback, Mark, I have double checked the version mismatch 
problem and it does exist.

Despite that all files except for the pom version are the same, I agree it’s 
still an issue that needs revoting. It will confuse developers when trying to 
rebuild from the tag. The root problem is more about a package or upload 
problem than a technical problem. We used maven-release-plugin to prepare for 
the release, which has changed the pom version to ‘2.6.4-SNAPSHOT’ since RC1, I 
remember to change to 2.6.3 before tagging in RC2 but forget to do that in this 

I think we should build a release script to automate the whole release process 
to avoid this kind of problems.

Best regards,

> On 18 Aug 2018, at 05:56, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 12/08/18 08:12, Jun Liu wrote:
> <snip/>
>> Please vote accordingly:
>> [ ] +1 approve 
>> [ ] +0 no opinion 
>> [X] -1 disapprove with the reason (binding)
> The sha512 hashes are missing the '*' marker that indicates they are
> hashes for binary files rather than text files. Trivial issue. Can be
> addressed in the next release.
> I'd expect the files to be named "apache-dubbo..." not "dubbo...". Nice
> to have (not all Apache projects use this naming convention). Something
> to consider for the next release.
> Consider including mvnw and mvnw.cmd in the source release so it is
> simpler to get started with the build from a source release.
> The 2.6.3 tag does not agree with the source release. This is a
> significant issue and enough for me to vote against the release. A diff
> shows most (all?) of the pom.xml have a version of "2.6.4-SNAPSHOT" in
> the tag but "2.6.3" in the source release.
> I dug into this a little. At first I thought the tag / commit in the
> vote was wrong. It is. But is isn't just that. If I go back to
> a8be0eaaddab198ed03b0150d4db03e2b22f023f
> things are better but:
> a) there are still differences
> b) the tag includes multiple commits after this point
> Mark

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