I hear what you’re saying. As a metric it’s better than nothing, but let’s not 
assume it is telling us everything.

I believe that asking all mentors to sign off is a change in policy or at least 
in practice. (Neither the “Mentors’ guide”[1] nor the “Guide to being a 
mentor”[2] talks about signing off.) This could be a useful opportunity to 
remind mentors of what is expected of them.

One gray area has always bugged me. How hard should mentors push a podling to 
submit a report? If the podling fails to submit a report, or submits it late, 
it is impossible for mentors to sign off, and therefore counts as a black mark 
against the mentors. I believe that mentors should facilitate and guide, but 
pushing and nagging is counterproductive.


[1] https://incubator.apache.org/guides/mentor.html 

[2] https://community.apache.org/guide-to-being-a-mentor.html 

> On Sep 1, 2018, at 5:14 PM, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> There is a strong presumption here that a mentor is fulfilling their duty if 
>> and only if they sign the reports.
> It’s an imperfect metric but one we have easy access to. If we send out an 
> email asking for if you’re AWOL and a mentor responds that they are active 
> then all is good. Of course it’s not going to catch mentors who sign reports 
> and do nothing else but I hope there’s only a few incidences of that.
>> I’m skeptical. I can think of cases where an engaged mentor does not sign 
>> reports (because someone else has done it), and vice versa where a 
>> disengaged mentor shows up once a quarter to sign the report.
> IMO The reports should be signed off by all mentors where possible not just 
> one or two, that way the mentor only signing reports (and doing nothing else) 
> is less of an issue.
>> It may be a bit more difficult to measure, but I think a better indicator 
>> would be the number of messages sent by the mentor to dev and private lists. 
>> It indicates both time spent writing the message and also time spent keeping 
>> up with the email traffic to know when the podling needs help. 
> Given we have 100+ people to check and some of them are involved in multiple 
> projects, that’s a lot of lists to check but it would be possible. I could 
> put it up in a shared doc and if other people help out then it wouldn’t be 
> too much effort.
> Alternately I could take 10 mentors at random if any of them are active on 
> their mailing lists, I’m guessing there a strong correlation between not 
> signing off reports and absent mentors.
> Thanks,
> Justin
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