Sharding-Sphere already has a very active community,  it's good to see
it will be part of Apache incubator.

Willem Jiang

Twitter: willemjiang
Weibo: 姜宁willem

On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 5:27 PM
<> wrote:
> Dear Apache Incubator Community,
> I would like to start a discussion about the incubation of Sharding-Sphere
> at Apache.
> Please accept the Sharding-Sphere podling into the Incubator.
> We have 4 mentors, also we are welcome other volunteers to mentor us.
> The proposal can be found at
> . Here is the text
> of it:
> = Abstract =
> Sharding-Sphere is an ecosystem of transparent distributed database
> middleware, focusing on data sharding, distributed transaction and database
> orchestration. It provides maximum compatibility for applications through
> Sharding-JDBC (a driver to implement JDBC) or Sharding-Proxy (a proxy to
> implement database protocol).
> = Proposal =
> With a large number of end users, Sharding-Sphere has a fairly huge
> community in China. It is also widely adopted by many [[
>|companies and
> organizations]] as a solution to process their massive amounts of data.
> We believe that bringing Sharding-Sphere into Apache Software Foundation
> could advance development of a stronger and more diverse open source
> community.
> Dangdang submits this proposal to donate Sharding-Sphere's source codes and
> all related documentations to Apache Software Foundation. The codes are
> already under Apache License Version 2.0.
>   * Code base:
>   * Web site:
>   * Documentations:
>   * Community:
> = Background =
> Relational database hardly supports such huge amounts of data any more
> which has increased rapidly in recent years, but for reason of technique
> maturity, developers and DBAs still want to use it to persist core data.
> Sharding-Sphere was open sourced on Github in 2016. At the very beginning,
> Sharding-Sphere is just a JDBC driver for data sharding (name as
> Sharding-JDBC) at Dangdang internal framework; now it offers data sharding,
> distributed transaction and database orchestration. Besides JDBC, proxy to
> implement MySQL database protocol is also supported at present.
> Furthermore, our roadmap includes Proxy for PostgreSQL protocol, Sidecar
> model, data repica and elastic data scalability function as well.
> Due to the extension of project, we provide proxy model and sidecar model
> in addition to JDBC model. Therefore, we rename it to Sharding-Sphere by [[
>|a public
> vote]], which refers to a sharding ecosphere with Sharding-JDBC,
> Sharding-Proxy and Sharding Sidecar as its three sub-projects.
> Sharding-JDBC has won the [[|TOP
> 20 most popular open source projects in China 2016]].
> = Rationale =
> Relational database still plays a very important role on current
> application system. The maturity of products and surrounding ecosystem, the
> friendliness of its data query and developers' and DBAs' mastery of it,
> cannot be completely replaced with other types of database in the near
> future. However, current relational database cannot support cloud native
> very well and it is not friendly to distributed system.
> It is the ultimate goal of Sharding-Sphere, which manages the databases
> scattering around the system, to make user use distributed databases as
> simply as using a single one.
> Without extra cost, Sharding-JDBC directly connects database with Java
> application to get the best performance.
> Sharding-Proxy is deployed as a stateless server and supports MySQL
> protocol at present. In the paper [[
> Really New with NewSQL?]], three types of NewSQL are introduced, among
> which Sharding-Proxy is a Transparent Sharding Middleware.
> Sharding-Sidecar can be understood as a data panel in Service Mesh. The
> interaction between the application and the database provides a mesh layer.
> The concept of Database Mesh is similar to Service Mesh, and it focuses on
> how to connect data access applications to the database. Database Mesh will
> set up a huge grid system between applications and databases. Applications
> and databases need be placed in the grid system. They are all objects
> managed by the meshing layer.
> = Current Status =
> == Meritocracy ==
> Sharding-Sphere was incubated at Dangdang in 2015 and open sourced on
> GitHub in 2016. In 2017, JingDong recognized its value and determined to
> sponsor this project. Sharding-Sphere has contributors and users from many
> companies; we have set up the PMC Team and Committer Team. New contributors
> are guided and reviewed by existed PMC members. When they are ready, PMC
> will start a vote to promote him/her to become a member of PMC or Committer
> Team. See the details See the details [[
>|here]]. Contributions
> are always welcomed and highly valued.
> == Community ==
> Now we have set development teams for Sharding-Sphere respectively in
> JingDong, Dangdang and Bestpay. Companies like Sohu and Dataman have shown
> great interest in Sharding-Sphere. We hope to grow the base of contributors
> by inviting all those who offer contributions through The Apache Way. Right
> now, we make use of github as code hosting as well as gitter for community
> communication.
> == Core Developers ==
> The core developers, including experienced open source developers and team
> leaders, have formed a group full of diversity.
> = Known Risks =
> == Orphaned products ==
> Three development teams from JingDong, Dangdang and CHINA TELECOM Bestpay
> will spare no pains to work on Sharding-Sphere in the future with
> contributors from the growing community. Also, Sharding-Sphere is widely
> adopted in China by many [[
>|companies and
> organizations]]. Thus, it is very unlikely that Sharding-Sphere becomes
> orphaned.
> == Inexperience with Open Source ==
> The current core developers all work for companies that have developed or
> contributed to many open source projects.
>   * Liang Zhang, PMC. He is the lead of two open source projects,
> Sharding-Sphere and Elastic-Job. Also Committer of Apache Dubbo (Incubator).
>   * Sheng Wu, PMC. He is the PPMC and committer of Apache
> SkyWalking(Incubating), Apache Zipkin(Incubating) contributor, CNCF
> OpenTracing member. Also contributed a lot other open source projects.
>   * Hongtao Gao, PMC. He is the PPMC and committer of Apache
> SkyWalking(Incubating) too. Also contribute a lot of features of
> Elastic-Job.
> Therefore, we believe we have enough experience to deal with open source.
> == Homogenous Developers ==
> The current core developers work across a variety of organizations
> including Jingdong, Dangdang and CHINA TELECOM Bestpay; some individual
> developers are accepted as core developers of Sharding-Sphere as well.
> Considering that Sohu and Dataman have shown great interest in
> Sharding-Sphere, we plan to encourage them to contribute and invite them as
> contributors to work together.
> == Reliance on Salaried Developers ==
> At present, three of the core developers are paid by their employer to
> contribute to Sharding-Sphere project. It is estimated that the development
> of Sharding-Sphere will be continued with mainly salaried developers, and
> we will make efforts to attract more volunteers and grow the community.
> == Relationships with Other Apache Products ==
> An automatic prober of Sharding-Sphere is introduced into SkyWalking to
> send APM data, and SkyWalking also use Sharding-Sphere to persit tracing
> data. Saga provided by ServiceComb is adopted by Sharding-Sphere as one of
> the distributed transaction processing engines. Sharding-Sphere integrates
> Apache Zookeeper as one of the service registration/discovery mechanisms.
> == A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ==
> We acknowledge the value and reputation that the Apache brand would bring
> to Sharding-Sphere. However, our primary interest is in the excellent
> community provided by Apache Software Foundation, in which all the projects
> could gain stability for long-term development.
> = Documentation =
> A complete set of Sharding-Sphere documentations is provided on
> in both English and Simplified Chinese.
>   * [[|English]]
>   * [[|Chinese]]
> = Initial Source =
> The project consists of three distinct codebases: core, example and
> document. The address of three existed git repositories are as follows:
>   *
>   *
>   *
> = Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan =
> The codes are currently under Apache License Version 2.0 and have been
> verified to have no intellectual property or license issues before being
> released to open source by Dangdang in 2016. Dangdang will provide SGA and
> all committers will sign ICLA after Sharding-Sphere is accepted into the
> Incubator.
> = External Dependencies =
> As all dependencies are managed using Apache Maven, none of the external
> libraries need to be packaged in a source distribution. All dependencies
> have Apache compatible licenses except MySQL (GPL-2.0).
> We will remove MySQL dependencies in future. MySQL JDBC driver is adopted
> by Sharding-Proxy to connect MySQL now; We will use SPI to load JDBC
> driver, so MySQL JDBC driver is no longer provided on Sharding-Sphere.
>   * Guava Apache-2.0
>   * Guava Retrying Apache-2.0
>   * commons-codec Apache-2.0
>   * commons-pool Apache-2.0
>   * commons-dbcp Apache-2.0
>   * netty Apache-2.0
>   * curator Apache-2.0
>   * grpc Apache-2.0
>   * protobuf BSD 3-clause
>   * lombok MIT
>   * groovy Apache-2.0
>   * snakeyaml Apache-2.0
>   * spring-context-support Apache-2.0
>   * spring-context-test Apache-2.0
>   * spring-boot-starter Apache-2.0
>   * spring-boot-configuration-processor Apache-2.0
>   * spring-boot-starter-test Apache-2.0
>   * slf4j MIT
>   * logback EPL-1.0
>   * junit EPL-1.0
>   * hamcrest BSD 3-clause
>   * mockito MIT
>   * h2 MPL-2.0/EPL-1.0
>   * mysql GPL-2.0 Will remove before first apache release, use SPI instead
> of it
>   * postgresql BSD
>   * mssql-jdbc MIT
>   * HikariCP Apache-2.0
>   * OpenTracing BSD
> = Required Resources =
> == Git Repositories ==
>   *
>   *
>   *
> == Issue Tracking ==
> The community would like to continue using GitHub Issues.
> == Continuous Integration tool ==
> Travis
> == Mailing Lists ==
>   * Sharding-Sphere-dev: for development discussions
>   * Sharding-Sphere-private: for PPMC discussions
>   * Sharding-Sphere-notifications: for users notifications, and
> notifications from GitHub
> == Initial Committers ==
>   * 张亮, Liang Zhang,
>   * 曹昊, Hao Cao,
>   * 吴晟, Sheng Wu,
>   * 高洪涛, Hongtao Gao,
>   * 张永伦, Yonglun Zhang
>   * 潘娟, Juan Pan
>   * 赵俊, Jun Zhao
>   * 岳令, Ling Yue
>   * 马晓光, Xiaoguang Ma
>   * 陈清阳, QingYang Chen
> == Affiliations ==
>   * JD: Liang Zhang, Yonglun Zhang, Juan Pan, Jun Zhao
>   * Dangdang: Hao Cao, Ling Yue
>   * CHINA TELECOM Bestpay: QingYang Chen
>   * Individuals: Sheng Wu, Hongtao Gao, Xiaoguang Ma
> = Sponsors =
> == Champion ==
>   * Roman Shaposhnik (rvs at apache dot org)
> == Mentors ==
>   * Craig L Russell (clr at apache dot org)
>   * Benjamin Hindman (benh at apache dot org)
>   * Willem Ning Jiang (ningjiang at apache dot org)
> == Sponsoring Entity ==
> We are expecting the Apache Incubator could sponsor this project.
> Best Regards,
> John(Zhang Liang) from Sharding-Sphere

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