Hey Justin,

On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 8:33 AM Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>

> How do we make podling aware they can do this? Obvious people who follow
> this list may know, and we can ask mentors to pass it on to their podling
> lists, on document on the website and perhaps mention it in Dave’s welcome
> package idea. But would that be enough?

Important question!

Aren't podlings still required to subscribe to general@incubator?  I don't
know how the rest of the world figures these things out, but I mostly
followed the examples I saw here.  So we need to get a few podlings doing
this to create visibility.  We could do some combination of:

* notify all the dev lists for all the podlings
* notify just those podlings still doing releases outside of the ASF (which
you have helpfully identified)
* ask mentors to suggest it to their podlings when a release is imminent
and the mentor thinks its a good candidate for this approach.
* if a podling approaches you for feedback, ask if you can do so on the
general@incubator list.
* document it (probably the most obligatory and least effective item on the
list. ; o)

I'd also like to read Mick's feedback:
Do you think replacing release voting with release discussing at podling
request as I've suggested would be an improvement?  If so, do you have
ideas for ways to communicate this to podlings?


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