+1 binding. Good luck.

Sheng Wu 吴晟

Apache SkyWalking
Apache Incubator
Apache ShardingSphere, ECharts, DolphinScheduler podlings
Twitter, wusheng1108

Mohammad Asif Siddiqui <asifdxtr...@apache.org> 于2019年10月12日周六 下午2:41写道:

> +1 (binding)
> Regards
> Asif
> On 2019/10/10 08:54:38, Ming <moonbingb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > After the discussion of APISIX proposal
> > (discussion thread:
> >
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/aada574d5fe8e9cf246f213f3915aebb2afa710607676c2af5d5eb73@%3Cgeneral.incubator.apache.org%3E
> ),
> > I would like to call a VOTE to accept it into the Apache Incubator.
> >
> > Please cast your vote:
> >
> >   [ ] +1, bring APISIX into Incubator
> >   [ ] +0, I don't care either way
> >   [ ] -1, do not bring APISIX into Incubator, because...
> >
> > The vote will open at least for 72 hours and only votes from the
> Incubator
> > PMC are binding.
> >
> > = APISIX Proposal =
> >
> > == Abstract ==
> >
> > APISIX is a cloud-native microservices API gateway, delivering the
> > ultimate performance, security,
> > open source and scalable platform for all your APIs and microservices.
> >
> > APISIX is based on OpenResty and etcd, and has dynamic routing and
> > plug-in hot loading,
> >  which is especially suitable for API management under micro-service
> system.
> >
> > == Proposal ==
> >
> > The goal of this proposal is to bring the existing APISIX
> > <https://github.com/iresty/apisix> codebase and existing developers
> > and community
> > into the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) in order to build a global,
> > diverse and self-governed open source community in API gateway field.
> >
> > Zhiliu is submitting this proposal to donate the APISIX sources code
> > and associated artifacts
> > (documentation, web site content, wiki, etc.) to the Apache Software
> > Foundation Incubator under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
> >
> > These artifacts are currently available on GitHub at
> > https://github.com/iresty/apisix and include:
> >     - APISIX: The Cloud-Native Microservices API gateway.
> >     - APISIX-dashboard: The dashboard for APISIX API gateway.
> >
> > == Background ==
> >
> > Mircro-service and Cloud Native architecture are becoming more and more
> popular,
> > traditional monolithic applications are being replaced by microservices.
> > This also brings more challenges for API gateways, not only handling
> > north-south traffic,
> > but also handling east-west traffic between microservices,
> > and need to ensure high concurrency and very low latency at the same
> time.
> >
> > APISIX was open sourced on Github in in June 2019.
> > At first, APISIX needs to interact directly with etcd to modify the
> > configuration of routes and plugins.
> > After we opened on the GitHub, the community gives the feedbacks about
> > high level API and built-in dashboard.
> > So in 0.6 version, APISIX provided REST admin API and dashboard to
> > control the API gateway.
> > Since then more and more contributors have joined in, and more plugins
> > and features provided.
> >
> > == Rationale ==
> >
> > APISIX acts as an entry point for business traffic and plays an
> > important role in the current system.
> >  Making traffic more secure and faster to process is the ultimate goal
> > of APISIX.
> >
> > APISIX includes these primary parts:
> >     - Provide the core of the API gateway, including various
> > processing of requests and responses, dynamic upstream and dynamic SSL
> > certificates,
> >     upstream active and passive health checks, etc. The core does not
> > bind APISIX, other projects can be used directly.
> >     - Provide the plug-in hot plugging mechanism based on the core, to
> > support gRPC transcoding,
> >      identity authentication, rate limiting, OpenTracing etc. And
> > provide a plugin development library,
> >       users can easily write their own plugins.
> >     - Provide the admin API and dashboard to operate the API gateway,
> >     and also support updating with the yaml configuration file, which
> > is friendly for Kubernetes.
> >
> > There is a strong need for an open, easy-to-use microservice API
> > gateway to help developers
> >  reduce duplication of code development and better manage APIs.
> > We believe that by moving to Apache it will help us work in a more
> > global and open way.
> > Under Apache’s strong governance and existing processes, hope is also
> > to make APISIX more reliable and encourage more developers to
> > participate,
> >  as is crucial for API gateway.
> >
> > == Current Status ==
> >
> > === Meritocracy ===
> >
> > APISIX was created in April 2019 and opened on github on June 6, 2019.
> > The project now has contributors and users from a dozen companies;
> > we have set up the PMC Team and Committer Team. New contributors are
> > guided and reviewed by existed PMC members.
> > When they are ready, PMC will start a vote to promote him/her to
> > become a member of PMC or Committer Team,
> > see the votes for Committer:
> > https://github.com/iresty/apisix/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=label%3Avote.
> > Contributions are always welcomed and highly valued.
> > A lot of energy is allocated to ensure help to all wishing to contribute.
> >
> > === Community ===
> >
> > APISIX has been building an active community since its open source,
> > and hosted meetup in 5 different cities in China.
> > Currently, the community includes over 22 contributors, and we already
> > have a user group of more than 500 people.
> >
> > APISIX’s contributors, who can provide employer information, are from
> > iresty.com, meizu.com, weibo.com, ke.com, fansup.mobi,
> > which also provide many important feedbacks from their actual scenarios.
> >
> > We hope to grow the base of contributors by inviting all those who
> > offer contributions through The Apache Way.
> > Right now, we make use of github as code hosting as well as gitter for
> > community communication.
> >
> > APISIX will seek more developers and user communities during incubation.
> >
> > === Core Developers ===
> >
> > The core developers, including experienced open source developers and
> > team leaders, have formed a group full of diversity.
> >     - Committer Team members:
> >
> https://github.com/iresty/Organization/blob/master/README.md#committer-team
> >
> > == Known Risks ==
> >
> > === Orphaned products ===
> >
> > The contributors and community cooperation brings the project from a
> > small concept into a real microservices API gateway,
> > and APISIX is widely adopted in China by some companies and organizations
> > <https://github.com/iresty/apisix/issues/487>.
> > The core developers of APISIX team already work full time on this
> project.
> > There is very little risk of APISIX getting orphaned as at least one
> > large company (ke.com) is widely using it in their production,
> > handling more than 100 million user requests per day.
> >
> > APISIX has four major releases, 22 contributors, been forked nearly 150
> times,
> > and received 380 pull requests from contributors, which further
> > demonstrates APISIX as a very active project.
> > We also plan to extend and diversify this community further through
> Apache.
> >
> > Thus, it is very unlikely that APISIX becomes orphaned.
> >
> > === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> >
> > The members of PMC are the founders of the OpenResty community, a
> > nd already have experience working with open source communities,
> > they are also active in OpenResty <https://github.com/openresty>, Kong
> > <https://github.com/Kong> and other projects.
> > At the same time, we will learn more open source experiences by
> > following the Apache way in our incubator journey.
> >
> > Therefore, we believe we have enough experience to deal with open source.
> >
> > === Homogenous Developers ===
> >
> > The current core developers work across a variety of organizations
> > including Meizu,
> > ke.com, dasouche.com, Weibo and fansup.mobi; some individual
> > developers are accepted as core developers
> > of APISIX as well. Considering that qianxin.com and aispeech.com have
> > shown great interest in APISIX,
> > we plan to encourage them to contribute and invite them as
> > contributors to work together.
> >
> > === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> >
> > Most members of the PMC and Committer Team, are paid by their
> > employers to contribute to this project.
> > APISIX itself and the API gateway are very attractive and important
> > for every company the contributors work in,
> > and they have no reason to stop them. Contributions and new committers
> > are expected.
> > And we will make efforts to increase the diversity of the contributors.
> >
> > === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> >
> > APISIX already support Apache Skywalking as one of the APM services,
> > and will proxy for Apache dubbo and Apache brpc. Also we are
> > considering integrates Apache Zookeeper as one of the
> > service registration/discovery mechanisms.
> >
> > === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> >
> > We acknowledge the value and reputation that the Apache brand will
> > bring to APISIX.
> > However, we prefer that the community provided by the Apache Software
> > Foundation will enable the project
> >  to achieve long-term stable development.
> > So APISIX is proposing to enter incubation at Apache in order to help
> > efforts to diversify the community,
> > not so much to capitalize on the Apache brand.
> >
> > == Documentation ==
> >
> > A complete set of APISIX documentations is provided on github in both
> > English and Simplified Chinese.
> >
> >     - English <https://github.com/iresty/apisix/blob/master/README.md>
> >     - Chinese <https://github.com/iresty/apisix/blob/master/README_CN.md
> >
> >
> > == Initial Source ==
> >
> > The project consists of two distinct codebases: the server and the
> dashboard.
> > These have existed as separate git repositories.
> >
> >     - https://github.com/iresty/apisix
> >     - https://github.com/iresty/apisix_dashboard
> >
> > == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
> >
> > As soon as APISIX is approved to join Apache Incubator, zhiliu will
> > provide the Software Grant Agreement(SGA)
> >  and initial committers will submit ICLA(s).
> > The code is already licensed under the Apache Software License, version
> 2.0.
> >
> > == External Dependencies ==
> >
> > As all backend code dependencies are managed using Luarocks
> >  <
> https://github.com/iresty/apisix/blob/master/rockspec/apisix-dev-1.0-0.rockspec
> >,
> > none of the external libraries need to be packaged in a source
> distribution.
> >
> > All of dependencies have Apache compatible licenses,and the detail as
> follows:
> >
> > Dependency License Comments
> >
> > lua-resty-session     BSD 2-clause
> > lua-resty-http        BSD 2-clause
> > lua-resty-balancer    BSD 2-clause
> > lua-resty-template    BSD 3-clause
> > lua-resty-cookie      BSD 3-clause
> > lua-resty-etcd        Apache-2.0
> > lua-resty-ngxvar      Apache-2.0
> > lua-resty-openidc     Apache-2.0
> > lua-resty-healthcheck-iresty  Apache-2.0
> > lua-resty-jwt Apache-2.0
> > opentracing-openresty Apache-2.0
> > lua-resty-radixtree   Apache-2.0
> > lua-resty-iputils     MIT
> > lua-protobuf  MIT
> > lua-resty-jit-uuid    MIT
> > lua-tinyyaml  MIT
> > lua-rapidjson MIT
> > luafilesystem MIT
> > iresty-nginx-lua-prometheus   MIT
> >
> > As all front-end dashboard dependencies are managed using NPM
> > <https://github.com/iresty/apisix_dashboard/blob/master/package.json>,
> > none of the external libraries need to be packaged in a source
> distribution.
> >
> > All of dependencies have Apache compatible licenses,and the detail as
> follows:
> >
> > Dependency License Comments
> >
> > fuse.js       Apache-2.0
> > echarts       Apache-2.0
> > axios         MIT
> > element-ui    MIT
> > js-cookie     MIT
> > normalize.css         MIT
> > nprogress     MIT
> > path-to-regexp        MIT
> > register-service-worker       MIT
> > screenfull    MIT
> > uuid  MIT
> > vue   MIT
> > vue-class-component   MIT
> > vue-count-to  MIT
> > vue-i18n      MIT
> > vue-property-decorator        MIT
> > vue-router    MIT
> > vue-svgicon   MIT
> > vuex  MIT
> > vuex-class    MIT
> > vuex-module-decorators        MIT
> >
> > == Required Resources ==
> >
> > === Git Repositories ===
> >
> >     - https://github.com/iresty/apisix.git
> >     - https://github.com/iresty/apisix_dashboard.git
> >
> > === Issue Tracking ===
> >
> > The community would like to continue using GitHub Issues.
> >
> > === Continuous Integration tool ===
> >
> > Travis CI
> >
> > === Mailing Lists ===
> >
> >     - APISIX-dev: for development discussions
> >     - APISIX-private: for PPMC discussions
> >     - APISIX-notifications: for users notifications
> >
> > == Initial Committers ==
> >
> >     - Ming Wen(moonbingb...@gmail.com)
> >     - Yuansheng Wang(membp...@gmail.com)
> >     - Zhiyuan Ju(jjzhiy...@gmail.com)
> >     - Junxu Chen(4061...@qq.com)
> >     - Yong Li(chnliy...@hotmail.com)
> >     - Suo Zhang(coolsoul0...@qq.com)
> >     - Ke Tang(itangke1...@gmail.com)
> >     - Chunlin Wu(lin...@live.com)
> >     - Lang Wang(gk...@qq.com)
> >     - Hui Li(794089...@qq.com)
> >     - Zhiyong Li(lizhiyong4...@gmail.com)
> >     - Jinchao Shuai(shuaijinc...@gmail.com)
> >
> > == Affiliations ==
> >
> >     - zhiliu: Ming Wen, Yuansheng Wang
> >     - Meizu: Junxu Chen
> >     - Dasouche: Yong Li
> >     - Individuals: Zhiyuan Ju
> >     - Yanhuang Online: Suo Zhang
> >     - GangRong Tech: Ke Tang
> >     - Axinfu: Chunlin Wu
> >     - Learnta: Lang Wang
> >     - Tencent: Hui Li
> >     - Zero tone Tech: Zhiyong Li
> >     - TAL Education: Jinchao Shuai
> >
> > == Sponsors ==
> >
> > === Champion ===
> >
> >     - Willem Ning Jiang, ningji...@apache.org
> >
> > === Mentors ===
> >
> >     - Willem Ning Jiang, ningji...@apache.org
> >     - Justin Mclean, jmcl...@apache.org
> >     - Kevin Ratnasekera, djkevincr1...@gmail.com
> >     - Gosling Von, fengji...@gmail.com
> >
> > === Sponsoring Entity ===
> >
> > We are expecting the Apache Incubator could sponsor this project.
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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