Glad to see this community grew up.
Leave my best wishes to its graduation. :-)

 Juan Pan (Trista)
Senior DBA & PMC of Apache ShardingSphere

On 09/7/2020 17:38,Julian Feinauer<> wrote:
Hi all,

as already stated some time ago [1], the Apacher IoTDB community decided that 
it feels ready to graduate.
The maturity assesment is done [2], and the community agreed on starting the 
graduation process in a formal vote [3] (result see [4]).
Ist important to note that all our mentors also participated in the vote with a 
positive vote!

The community also decided about a suggestion fort he initial VP and a charta 
[5, 6] as follows:

The PPMC will suggest the board Xiangdong Huang as first VP for Apache IoTDB

The suggested Charta of IoTDB is „An IoT native database with high performance 
for data management and analysis, on the edge and the cloud“.

We also did an internal discussion which PPMC members want to join the PMC as 
it is estalished, all details can be found here [7].

So, I wanted to bring up the discussion about the incubators and the IPMCs 
thoughts about IoTDBs matureness and ist readiness to graduate.

What do you think?

Finally, big thanks to our Mentors Chris, Justin and Kevin who were really 
helpful in the whole process (as they were all the time) and to all members of 
the awesome IoTDB Community!

Julian (on behalf of the IoTDB Community)




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