
Hope you all well! This a gentle nudge that the Call for Presentations for 
ApacheCon Asia 2021 has been open.

I suppose many of you definitely have interesting stories, pain release 
experience ;-) and valuable knowledge and pointers during your incubator 

So IPMCs, incubator communities and TLP communities, would you mind sharing 
your stories and experience on the Incubator track of ApacheCon Asia 2021?  

The chairs of this track are looking forward to your proposals [1]. I believe 
plenty of people are interested in your incubator process and hope to get more 
guidance from your speeches and talks! 

[1] https://apachecon.com/acasia2021/cfp.html

Best wishes,


   Juan Pan (Trista)
Senior DBA & PMC of Apache ShardingSphere
E-mail: panj...@apache.org

--------- Forwarded Message ---------

From: Juan Pan <panj...@apache.org>
Date: 03/31/2021 17:09
To: ASF ComDev <d...@community.apache.org>
Subject: [CFP] ApacheCon Asia 2021
Hi everyone,

I am uncertain many of you may miss this good news that Call for Presentations 
for ApacheCon Asia 2021 has been open [1]! 

This is a kind reminder and welcome greeting for everyone. 

You are welcomed to submit your proposal here [2] to share your excellent ideas 
or experiences with people worldwide, especially in the Asia area!

How can I get the details about every track and the schedule? I assume most of 
you will have such questions. :-) Then I have this answer [3] for you.

Warmly regards,

[1] https://blogs.apache.org/conferences
[2] https://acasia2021.jamhosted.net
[3] https://apachecon.com/acasia2021/cfp.html

   Juan Pan (Trista)
Senior DBA & Apache member &PMC of Apache ShardingSphere
E-mail: panj...@apache.org

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