
-1 (binding) for header and licensing issues

There also seems to be an issue with the directories  dlpack, dmlc, mshadow 
ands nnvm under the include directory in the tar file?

I checked:
- incubating in name
- LICENSE has issues
- NOTICE seems OK 
- A lot of files have header issues (see below)
- No unexpected binary files

I did a spot check on LICENSE and found a number of issues. I did not check 
everything so there are likely to be more issue that those below.
- This file [5] seem to incorrectly have an ASF header but is listed at MIT in 
the file and in LICENSE.
- As do these files [6][7][8]
- This file has a comment that states "Code is a direct translation of the 
erfinv m file in matlab version 2.0.” and the GitHub reference doesn't have a 
BSD file header. As far as I’m aware Matlab is not open source software. Is 
this Category X software?
- This file seem to also incorrectly have an ASF header and is an unknown 
license. I can’t see mentioned in LICENSE.
- This files seem to have incorrect licensing information [13] At the URL 
referenced it has a different header. I can’t see why the ASF copyright would 
be in this header.
- These files seem to incorrectly have an ASF header [15][16][17]

A large number of file have ASF headers but also state "Copyright (c) 201X by 
Contributors”. e.g [1][2][3][4] There looks to be more than 500 files like 
this.  Are these 3rd party file or ASF files? If they are ASF files there there 
should be no copyright line.

A number of files have "Copyright (c) 201X Microsoft” and also have ASF 
headers. Are these files 3rd party files or ASF files? e.g. [11] They look like 
3rd party files to me. Some are Apache licensed but some are not. e.g [12] I 
cannot see this mentioned in LICENSE.

I also noticed that the docker file refreshes to https://github.com/dmlc/mxnet 
Why is this? In fact there seems to be a large number of references to 
"https://github.com/dmlc” and "https://github.com/dmlc/mxnet";.

Kind Regards,

1. ./include/mxnet/op_attr_types.h
2 ./cpp-package/include/mxnet-cpp/op_suppl.h
3. ./src/initialize.cc
4 ./src/operator/cudnn_bilinear_sampler-inl.h
5. ./src/operator/nn/layer_norm.cc
6. ./src/operator/numpy/np_einsum_op.cc
7. ./src/operator/numpy/np_einsum_op-inl.h
8. ./src/operator/numpy/np_einsum_path_op-inl.h
9 ./src/operator/contrib/erfinv-inl.h
10. ./example/image-classification/predict-cpp/image-classification-predict.cc
11. ./src/operator/contrib/deformable_psroi_pooling.cu
12. ./src/operator/contrib/modulated_deformable_convolution.cu
13 ./src/operator/contrib/erfinv-inl.h
15. vi ./python/mxnet/onnx/mx2onnx/_export_onnx.py
16 ./cmake/Modules/FindJeMalloc.cmake
17 ./src/operator/nn/mkldnn/mkldnn_base-inl.h

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