Hi -

See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INCUBATOR-268

I plan to complete the move of many of the files that are maintained by 
projects into an ASF-Pelican workflow like I recently completed for 
www.apache.org <http://www.apache.org/> and other websites including 
httpd.apache.org <http://httpd.apache.org/> 

What will remain in Subversion:

1. podlings.xml
2. PMC chair runbook and reporting
3. Project yaml files. (This could be a follow on, but it will require working 
with Whimsy development)

What will move:

1. IP Clearance - future clearance will be in Markdown.
2. Project Status - future project status will be in Markdown and Git. I think 
that having it in SVN has been a real hinderance.
3. Clutch analysis - ASF Pelican has the ability to run scripts and generate 
pages that will be rendered. This was developed for httpd’s security pages 
which list CVEs from JSON source. The clutch analysis is python based and fits 
this well. The main work here will be to source and read from the Project 
Status pages in their new location.

There are three new branches where the work will occur:

1. ip-clearance
2. project-status
3. clutch-analysis

If you wish to follow the work and make comments then please monitor those 
branches. I will follow up when it’s time for others to test the new markdown 
format and procedures.


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