The Apache Pekko (Incubating) Team is happy to announce the release of
Apache Pekko (Incubating) 1.0.3-M1. This milestone release is aimed at
testing some new support for users who want to add Pekko nodes to an
existing Akka cluster. This support is experimental. This release should
not be used in production.

Apache Pekko (Incubating) is an open source toolkit and runtime simplifying
the construction of concurrent and distributed applications on the JVM. It
is a fork of Akka and has come about because Akka has moved from being
Apache licensed to being licensed under a Business Software License.

This release covers the core modules. Other modules like Pekko HTTP are
released separately.

Download Links:

Release Notes:



Mailing list:

Jars are published to Maven Central using the groupId: org.apache.pekko

Thanks to everyone who participated in the development and release.

Apache Pekko (Incubating) Team

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