I don't even have an idea on how to start to answer him. Someone else wanna


If you come from a Perl or PHP background, JSP is a way to take
your pain to new levels. --Anonymous
<http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/> && <http://java.apache.org/turbine/>

From: Sandor Spruit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Information and computing sciences, Utrecht University
Reply-To: Sandor Spruit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 14:41:40 +0100
To: Dirk-Willem van Gulik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jon Stevens
Subject: Suppose our department wants to contribute to Apache projects ... ?

Dirk-Willem, Jon,

I was talking with some collegues (and my boss) this morning about
"content management systems" and the like. The issue we run into are
roughly as follows:

There are a number of commercial systems to build portals, create a
large website, maintain it, etc. These systems are typically rather
expensive, require fancy hardware, extensive staff training etc. On
the other end of the scale, there's cheap, free tools based on your
favorite scripting language: Perl, Python, PHP. Neither of these two
options makes me particularly happy.

We'd like to set-up a site for our students, serving two purposes in
one go: (1) have a useful place for them to find information they'll
need - like grades, rosters, news about classes, (2) create projects
for them to work on, contributing to the site's code and content. An
important part of our work focusses on "document engineering", for
example, the technical and application aspects of XML/XSLT. There's
some people working on improving XML itself, and folks interested in
applying XML to specific domains; we use a lot of Java in education.

Many things needed to create sites like this are actively developed
under the wings of Apache projects, most notably the Jakarta and XML
projects. But: there are overlaps between the various projects, and
subprojects. Some similar things appear in different places (like: a
webserver's built into Tomcat; there's webdav in Apache 2.0, Tomcat
4.0, Slide shares goals with Jetspeed).

I know the Java, Jakarta projects are in the process of being merged,
but I sure would like to know what gets merged with what! Suppose, to
be more specific, I'd like to use Apache, Tomcat, Cocoon, Jetspeed to
have a flexible XML-based portal set-up.

The main question is: what could we contribute ? Personalization ?
Workflow ? Management features ? Or are these things being worked on
somewhere where I haven't seen it ? And: where does that leave Avalon,
Alexandria ? The former seems to be overtaken by Turbine, the latter
by the webdav folks.

Is there anyone with a good overview over these things ? I could do
with some directions; any help will certainly be much appreciated.


ir A.G.L. Spruit, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Institute of information and computing sciences
"There is a bit of magic in everything, and then some
loss to even things out" (from: Lou Reed, "Magic and Loss")

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