on 2/20/01 7:10 AM, "Paul Furbacher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am I missing something here?  I think it would be a very bad idea.
> It would attempt to duplicate a huge body of existing open source
> code:
> http://www.opensource.apple.com//projects/streaming/
> As I see it, there is absolutely no need to duplicate this
> effort.  And I seem to remember that Jon recently exhorted
> everyone to pull back from the projet-du-jour thinking that
> just because someone "had an idea" there ought to be
> a project.  His argument went something like "work with them"
> (JUnit in that case; Apple in this case).  In this case, as
> with many others, I say, get involved in Darwin and QTSS.
> Don't create another project.
> Paul Furbacher
> http://www.teamb.com

This is very true, however, in this case, the point was to create a Java
based solution. It is ok to fork to a different language as it is almost
always a good idea to have implementations of things in different languages,
even if their functionality is the same.

The reason is that some languages may end up being better than others for
implementations of things (how would you know if you didn't try?) and it
provides for healthy competition and opens up avenues for people to
contribute that may know one language and not another one.

For example, there is a C Apache HTTPd project and a Java Apache HTTPd
project (Tomcat).

However, I would still argue that Java based solution for this type of
service (streaming video) is a silly waste of time because of the overhead
of a JVM as well as the fact that we have a nice C based solution (thanks
Apple!) sitting right there ready to be used.


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