At 07:00  12/3/01 -0500, Sam Ruby wrote:
>The ASF board is completely re-elected on an annual basis.  Members
>nominate/Members vote.  This is probably the system I most lean towards,

me too ;)

>but it does have one problem: while it may elect the "wisest" people, it
>does not guarantee that the people elected have any familiarity with the
>issues surrounding your particular code base.

"wisest" == popular ??? ;)

>Scott Boag of Xalan fame advocates another scheme: one subproject, one
>vote.  While it certainly addresses the above issue, it raises a number of
>questions.  Is servletapi a separate subproject?  How about servletapi-4?
>How many projects is taglibs?  When avalon split, it didn't acquire any
>more code or new committers: does it suddenly deserve more representation?

Interesting approach. Each project elects a "champion" for their cause. It
is nice until we look at the "bigger" projects - I guess a good example
being tomcat. Tomcat has a lot of dedicated developers a lot of whom have
strong ideas. In these cases it may be difficult to elect one-single
champion - not sure. Then there are other projects that barely make 3
committers and are less active. Should they receive equal representation?

>The current PMC process does feel a bit "closed", but it does mimic the
>current process by which one becomes a committer or a member.  Should
>committers be re-elected?  Should developers that are not committers be
>able to nominate and elect new committers?

I kinda like the idea but it would be difficult to implement. A while back
I remember visiting a site that allowed anybody to register. Registrants
could then vote for other members. The more votes a person had the more
karma they got and the more seriously their votes were taken. You could go
to summary page that listed who voted for each person and how strongly etc.
I think this would make the appointment largely self-managing.
Unfortunately it would require work to set up such a system ;)



| "Faced with the choice between changing one's mind, |
| and proving that there is no need to do so - almost |
| everyone gets busy on the proof."                   |
|              - John Kenneth Galbraith               |

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