I'm looking for suggestions on how to provide constructive feedback on the
JDK 1.4 beta.  Note: the JDK is just a beta, so problems are not
unexpected.  The question is how to best work together to make sure that
when it goes production that users wishing to use Apache projects on this
new platform will have the minimum of problems.

Background: I've gotten JDK 1.4 beta for Linux, and have let lose Gump on
it.  None of the failures in today's run
(http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/gump/2001-06-01/) are present when using
JDK 1.3.

Question: Is there value in a consolidated Apache feedback, or should I
encourage projects to pursue the issues separately?  Here's a quick

   Biggest issue is JDBC 3.0 changes.  Affects struts, xalan2,
   commons-dbcp, avalon, and castor.

   Changes is compiler rules (variable scoping, inner classes) affects

   Changes in reflection affects Scarab at runtime.

   Bug in Crimson affects Gump itself (the bug was fixed in the Apache tree
   over two months ago).

   Overall performance of compiler seems noticably worse.  Complete build
   of most projects used to take 80-90 minutes.  This partial build (some
   failures, many projects skipped) took 122 minutes.

- Sam Ruby

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