On Sun, Sep 02, 2001 at 07:48:05PM -0700, Tal Dayan wrote:
> For all the Microsoft lovers (and not so lovers) in this list. Take a look
> at http://tal.ontero.net/home/Mocrosoft. This is a 1:15min mpeg file showing
> Steve Balmar shouting, dancing and getting the Microsoft crowd excited.

Is this the one that appeared on theregister.co.uk?


        Ballmer's screen test for Planet of the Apes

  We find it hard to believe that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer failed to
  get a major part in simian costume for Tim Burton's remake of Planet
  of the Apes with this command performance... 


And if you were thinking Steve Ballmer is one scary dude, you're not




> Tal

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