General Remark:

It seems the web logs have been moved recently from
/x2/logarchive/www/$YEAR/$MONTH to
/x2/logarchive/www/$YEAR/$MONTH. Also the <day J>.gz files now contains logs
for the J day and also some logs for the J+1 day ... which makes it harder
to get statistics for a given day. Any reason for that ?

Statistics :

Is it possible to set up a statistics tool for all jakarta projects (and
even others) so that each project does not have to do its own statistics.
For example, I had to install webalizer in my jakarta account to create
Cactus statistics (available at It provides some very useful
information. However, I know that I am eating quite a lot of space on
daedalus [and am concerned by that], especially as I am a rookie in
webalizer and have not spent the time (yet) to know how to properly do diff
statistics so I have stored all logs related to Cactus in a big file which
eats 145Mo and do a full parsing using webalizer every time (it's quite fast
and only takes about 10 seconds). I also have to do this process manually as
I didn't want to set a cron job.

I'm sure this is not a new subject and it may have been discussed in the
past. I think offering a statistics page on would be nice
and would also provide a good and healthy competition between projects ...
:) It may even make the project committers more conscious about their user
base and pay more attention to the users (like trying not to remove public
API too fast, ....) ... :)


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