On Sat, 20 Oct 2001 00:52, Sam Ruby wrote:
> Endre Stlsvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sounds like a nice, open structure, always glad and happy for new
> > thoughts, ideas and ways of doing things.
> Do I detect a bit of sarcasm in there?
> Speaking as a relative newcomer (the entire JBoss discussion predated my
> involement, for example). who now is the chair of the PMC: introducing new
> thoughts, ideas, and ways of doing things is most definately possible.
> I've had my own agenda, but I started by understanding and contributing to
> the codebases that I wanted to influence first.
> In other words, I became part of the community.

I tried another technique - I complained loudly and often about things ;) For 
instance a while back, the process of project proposals was done on a private 
list. I complained because it wasn't open and it got changed ;)

Annoying people can be an effective convincing method if non-aggresive. 
Consider gump and it's mail-outs - that uses the same technique - ant it is 
relatively effective ;) (BTW Sam - have we ever had a clean build yet ?)



| "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want |
| to test a man's character, give him power."          |
|       -Abraham Lincoln                               |

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