
I'll go with the majority as I don't want to block the process. I have to
admit I have not completely followed the full thread. I remember the only
concern I had when I read the first proposal was that it seemed to me that
the move to jakarta was mainly because the owner of BCEL had no longer any
time to work on it and wanted to project to live on (which is understandable
:) ). My concern was simply to know who would drive the project, as we all
know, there needs to be at least one person 100% committed to drive the
project forward. I'm sure this issue has been resolved since then and I'm
thus voting +0.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason van Zyl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 5:17 PM
Subject: BCEL @ Jakarta


Here's a summary of the PMC voting with respect to moving BCEL
to Jakarta:

[+1] Peter Donald
[+1] Pierpaolo Fumagalli
[+1]Ted Husted
[     ] Ceki Gülcü
[+1] Geir Magnusson Jr.
[     ] Vincent Massol
[+1] Craig McClanahan
[+1] Sam Ruby
[+1] Daniel Savarese
[+1] Jon Stevens
[+1] Jason van Zyl

This gives us the 3/4 PMC approval rating so I believe BCEL will be moving
to Jakarta unless Ceki and/or Vincent express disapproval. We'll let this
float for another day or two to let anyone get their votes/concerns



Jason van Zyl


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