Tim Vernum wrote:

> > > It's only two little lines extra to include the {}'s,
> >
> > Yeah, but those two lines will make my code run slower.
> >
> > Don't you know?
> >
> > The less space your source code takes, the less space
> > your class file will take.
> > And smaller classes run faster.
> >

> Well, I could be wrong, but if i remember it well, the same compiler
produces the same 
> object code no matter the number of spaces, newlines, and tabs are
between tokens, 
> statements, and so. They are not important for object code, just for >
> readability. 
> Compiler could take a bit (quite bit) more to compile a file, but once
> the class is 
> generated, the result object file should be the same.

> (Forgive me if i am wrong)

What about if you set the font size really small? LOL


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The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
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