
"Andrew C. Oliver" wrote:
> Proposal for "POI" - A Jakarta Subproject
> version 1.0 - 17 Jan 2002
> (0) rationale
> The POI project seeks to provide pure Java APIs for reading, creating
> and manipulating files written in formats based on Microsoft OLE 2
> Compound Document Format.  The POI project has already successfully
> created a Pure Java OLE 2 Compound Document Format library (POIFS) and a
> port of the Microsoft Excel '97(-2002) file format (aka XLS, BIFF8) and
> tools for serializing XML in these formats (which will be hosted as part
> of Cocoon 2).
> The POI project user community is growing leaps and bounds in usage as
> evidenced by its position as one of the most active projects on
> SourceForge and the 2,290 people who have downloaded it so far this
> month.  The POI project currently has two active developers.  The
> development community  might be small but is fanatically committed (and
> growing rather  quickly).  It is likely that the upcoming port of the
> Microsoft Word 97 File format will increase the size of the development
> community, not to mention the user community.  The documentation is
> comprehensive and includes full documentation on the previously
> undocumented (or at least incompletely documented) Microsoft OLE 2
> Compound Document Format. There are also HOW-TO documents that
> illustrate use cases and examples. Lastly, The project founders have
> agreed to collaborate with a developer at the OpenOffice.org project on
> the Excel File Format Documentation.
> Many Jakarta projects could potentially take advantage of POI and its
> use in Jakarta will likely further seed the POI developer community.
> POI is a unique project in the Java world.  Up until now there have been
> no successful free attempts to provide read/write access to OLE 2 CDF or
> MS Excel (97+) file formats. POI coupled with other Jakarta technologies
> could produce some highly useful offspring.  A few specific examples
> might be Office Document indexing for Lucene, Velocity generating Excel
> and Word document presentations, Office document management capabilities
> for Slide as well as content delivery and editing in Turbine.
> POI would make it possible to use Jakarta and XML-Apache projects in
> many cases where currently a proprietary solution is currently required.
> (1) scope of the subproject
> The subproject shall create and maintain packages written in the Java
> language, intended for use in generating and reading files in formats
> based on the OLE 2 Compound Document Format.
> (2) identify the initial source from which the subproject is to be
> populated
> The initial packages would be based on existing POI codebase currently
> located at SourceForge:
> http://poi.sourceforge.net
> (3) identify the Jakarta resources to be created
> (3.1) mailing list(s)
> poi-user
> poi-dev
> (3.2) CVS repositories
> jakarta-poi
> (3.3) Bugzilla
> program - poi
> components - Web site, POIFS, HSSF, HDF
> (3.4) Jyve FAQ (when available)
> poi-general
> poi-poifs
> poi-hssf
> poi-hdf
> (4) identify the initial set of committers
> Andrew Oliver
> Marcus Johnson
> (5) identify apache sponsoring individual
> Stefano Mazzocchi
> --
> www.superlinksoftware.com
> www.sourceforge.net/projects/poi - port of Excel format to java
> http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4487555.html
>                         - fix java generics!
> The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
> vote.
> -Ambassador Kosh

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Building Java web applications with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
-- Web http://www.husted.com/struts/

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