    After days of nearly going nuts trying to setup a pool of MySQL 
connections using JNDI, I finally got it working, and I have some 
suggestions for adding to the HOW-TO that may save a good bit of people 
some time.
    I setup the connection just as it said in the HOW-TO, but I kept 
getting a null DataSource when I tried to retrieve it. There was nothing 
in the logs, but I knew the name was being bound properly because if I 
changed it in web.xml, I wouldn't get a Context at all. After first 
searching the mailing lists, I noticed people who said that they were 
getting their DataSource objects at http://localhost:8080/webapp/, but 
not at http://localhost/webapp/. Anyway, after searching the mailing 
lists and looking through the Class Loader HOW-TO some more, I realized 
that there are many separate class loaders, that some of them don't have 
access to the names of others, and that putting the Resource in the 
Tomcat HTTP server (which is what I see from a lot of questions here is 
what people are doing) doesn't make them available to mod_webapp because 
it's a totally different classloader. If a note saying that you need to 
make the resource available to the proper Engine if you aren't using the 
standalong HTTP server were placed in the HOW-TO, I think it would be 
extremely helpful.


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