On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Morgan Delagrange wrote:

> Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 16:16:55 -0600
> From: Morgan Delagrange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Jakarta General List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>      Morgan Delagrange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: General Jakarta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: PMC Nomination - Craig McClanahan
> I would like to nominate Craig McClanahan for re-election to the PMC.

I accept nomination for re-election to the PMC.

You can find out more about me on the Struts "Who We Are" page:


At Apache, I got involved in the Apache JServ project before there was a
Jakarta (along with other long timers like Jon, Pier, and Stefano), and at
the ApacheCon just after the Tomcat source code was finally handed over to
Apache, told James Duncan Davidson in front of several hundred people that
the Sun code sucked ;-). (Want proof?  Just go back to the sources for
Tomcat 3.0, but don't do this on a full stomach ;-).

Over the last couple of years, I've been a big-time contributor on Tomcat
(Catalina's architecture is basically what Apache JServ 2.0 was going to
be), Struts (I'm the primary architect), and Commons.  Along the way,
I've been somewhat less involved with Taglibs and Watchdog.  I'm also a
pretty good chunk of Apache's "user support" on the TOMCAT-USER list.

I believe in Apache's goals w.r.t. open sourcing Java.  I don't have a lot
of patience for diatribes and mailing list flame fests -- they tend to be
counterproductive to these goals.  Therefore, you'll see more CVS commits
than discussion participation from me when the topic strays in those
directions.  (Interestingly, the overall level of CVS commits seems to be
inversely proportional to the vitriol in the current discussions ...)

One last note -- as most of you are probably aware, I work for Sun.  If
that fact, by itself, affects your vote, then you need to think about how
much you really believe in Apache's credo that contributors should be
judged on what they do, not who they work for.  (I'm sure you can find
plenty of other reasons not to vote for me, if that's what you want ;-).

> - Morgan Delagrange

Craig McClanahan

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