On Wed, 20 Mar 2002, Ceki Gülcü wrote:

| Isn't the "overview" document trying to substitute itself for the
| documentation that is already in subprojects (or should be)?

No. It's an overview of what's "inside" of jakarta. Great!

| The cornerstone of the Jakarta and Apache Software Foundation in
| general is that "management"  delegates responsibility for a given
| subproject to each subproject, intervening as little as possible.
| Your introduction also raises further worries. Jakarta does not need
| more publicity. Everybody knows Jakarta. What is needed is improving
| the quality of each *subproject*. Marketing gimmicks are not helpful and just
| waste precious time.

I don't agree. I still haven't browsed around all those projects and
subprojects. I think this idea is great. Give me a two-line lowdown of
what the stuff is, so that I can decide whether it is worth clicking on
for my own part. Jakarta's cryptic names doesn't exactly say much, do

| More importantly, who is to decide what project has what maturity? I find
| the "overview" document a little too interventionist, perhaps less in content
| than in sprit. Until these concerns are addressed, here is my -1.

Why not put it in the public and see what happens??

[btw: WHY don't people cut away the shit they don't reply to?? It's SO
annoying.. ]


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