On Thu, 2 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Berin Writes:
> > Forrest was started and talked about publicly on the general@xml
> > list before it was even started.  That is something that somewhat
> > perturbs me about the Turbine projects.  SOmething with Maven's
> > scope and ability should have been talked about publicly instead of
> > sneaking up on us.  When we get the message "convert all your
> > projects...", that would definitely catch alot of people off guard.
> Well, given I don't subscribe to general@xml, Forrest was COMPLETELY
> unknown to me. Maven was publicly discussed in the turbine-dev &
> turbine-user lists. So from my perspective: What's Forrest :)

I think that alot of people, me included, still don't know what Forrest
is.  It has no website, as far as I can tell, and isn't even mentioned on
the xml.apache.org site.  It's hard for us to collaborate on something
that seems, to me at least, to exist only as a bunch of ideas on a
mailing list that I don't subscribe to.


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