As already noted, several of the FAQ documents include links to copies
of the license.  Plus the fact that virtually all Apache projects
include a LICENSE or the like file in an obvious place inside the
project (which you presumably downloaded to see if you wanted to use
it) as well as the fact that most of the sources (certainly .java files
and many other doc sources as well) include the text of the license
inside of them.

Also, although you can view a master copy of the Apache Software
License, Version 1.1 (, you really need
to follow the actual license provided with the specific product you're
using, since there are currently subtle changes in many of them (mainly
the project names) and of course some projects may in the future use
newer versions of an Apache license.

- Shane

(Thanks to the jakartaites who have the nifty 'Website Maintenance'
section, which I really like!  Sorry if we're a little behind in
improving the xml website... 8-)

---- you Henri Yandell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote ----
> Having decided to licence some code under the Apache licence, and
> documentation as well, I headed to the Jakarta front page to find a
> to the licence. No dice. Then I tried the main Apache front page, no
> again.
> Shouldn't these link to the licence? Or the two or three licences in
> question? I would have thought the link would be quite prominent. The
> legal section on Jakarta has no reference, and the Press kit section
> the main site also has nothing.

- Shane

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