Thanks - will be in the final version.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jakarta General List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: [DRAFT2] Jakarta Newsletter - October 2002

> U/f I don't have time to make a better entry (with links to an archive) and no one 
>responded for my call for help
> * POI put out a new development release that includes Macro support
> * Shawn Laubach was voted a committer
> * There was renewed interest in HDF our word port and several new folks expressed an 
>interest in volunteering
> * Andy discovered the default encoding on Redhat 8 is now UTF-8 and not 8859-1, 
>hence finally we have a machine to test POI with a
different default encoding and can fix that bug.
> -Andy
> Rob Oxspring wrote:
> >I'll give this another 3 hours or so, then assuming there are no problems / 
>additions I'll post it on announcements@jakarta
> >
> >Rob
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Rob Oxspring" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 12:13 PM
> >Subject: [DRAFT2] Jakarta Newsletter - October 2002
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>Jakarta Newsletter
> >>==================
> >>Issue: 4
> >>Date: October 2002
> >>Url:
> >>
> >>After a break for a month the newsletter is back. Over the last two months there 
>has been lots of organisational discussion.
> >>announcing the Japanese translation project last time round, a similar project in 
>Korean has come to light - a section below has
> >>been devoted to bringing you up to speed on progress. The lucene guys have been 
>making the usual steady progress mixing on both
> >>
> >>
> >bugs
> >
> >
> >>and features while the Struts team been introducing future plans and new members
> >>
> >>As always, I want to thank those who contributed and hope that you enjoy the read. 
>If you would like to comment further on any
> >>the highlighted discussions then please do so on the appropriate list, if you want 
>to comment on the newsletter itself then
> >>point your comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> >>Rob Oxspring
> >>
> >>
> >>Contents
> >>--------
> >>General
> >>Avalon
> >>Commons
> >>Korean Jakarta
> >>Lucene
> >>Struts
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>General
> >>=======
> >>"Ideas, suggestions, and comments on the overall Jakarta project"
> >>Editor: Rob Oxspring
> >>
> >>Jean-Frederic Clere was looking for a way to identify the version of the current 
>JVM. After questioning the reliability of
> >>options the conclusion turned out to be "It really depends on what you're trying 
>to discover" [1].
> >>
> >>Vincent Massol was wondering just who his fellow apache committers were and the 
>results of his survey sparked a light hearted
> >>
> >>
> >debate
> >
> >
> >>about what we'd learned [2].
> >>
> >>Does apache want another web application framework? Howard Ship has put Tapestry 
>[3] on the table and sparked off a long
> >>
> >>
> >discussion.
> >
> >
> >>Can we have too many? Is it different enough? Is code more important than 
>community? all angles are covered [4].
> >>
> >>Is jakarta too big? Should project such as tomcat, ant and others be top level 
>projects? All these things are under discussion
> >>
> >>
> >along
> >
> >
> >>with setting up a dedicated incubator project at apache. This is just the tip of 
>the iceberg the apache community has been
> >>discussing a big reorganisation [5, 6].
> >>
> >>Dominic Gagne asked a slightly off topic question about the difference between 
>Struts and Turbine and sparked off a long and
> >>hearted discussion about various templating problems and solutions [7].
> >>
> >>[1] - 
> >>[2] -
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >>F%22&defaultField=subject&Search=Search
> >>[3] -
> >>[4] -
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >>alse
> >>[5] - 
> >>[6] - 
> >>[7] - 
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Avalon
> >>======
> >>"The Avalon project is an effort to create, design, develop and maintain a common 
>framework and set of components for
> >>written using the Java language"
> >>Editor: Leo Simons
> >>
> >>Things have been so active, I can only provide a small sampling of what's been 
>going on :)
> >>
> >>Like many projects at apache, avalon has been busy discussing how to fit into the 
>new structure that is currently in the works.
> >>Being one of the projects that has suffered most from 'scope creep', there is a 
>lot to think about [1,2,3]. With avalon
> >>on the Incubator and Commons PMCs, there's definately a promising perspective.
> >>
> >>There have also been quite a few bug fixes and enhancements in various places 
>(like Avalon Phoenix now providing good support
> >>using log4j [4] and allowing customizable classloader trees [5]). There's been 
>work integrating catalina and jo! [6] with
> >>
> >>Following extended discussion [7,8,9], avalon also gained an implementation of the 
>delegate design pattern.
> >>
> >>[1] -
> >>[2] -
> >>[3] -
> >>[4] -
> >>[5] - 
> >>[6] -
> >>[7] -
> >>[8] -
> >>[9] -
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Commons
> >>=======
> >>"creating and maintaining reusable Java components"
> >>Editor: Henri Yandell
> >>
> >>
> >>Releases
> >>--------
> >>October has seen many new releases from the Jakarta Commons project:
> >>
> >>Commons Lang 1.0 was released on October 4th, a set of very generic components for 
>use in any Java project [1].
> >>
> >>Commons Collections 2.1 was released on the 21st of October. Buffers and 
>Decorators were added, along with IteratorUtils and
> >>ComparatorUtils [2].
> >>
> >>Commons BeanUtils 1.5 was released two days later. All bugs in Bugzilla were 
>cleared out and a BeanComparator was added [3].
> >>
> >>Commons Validator had its first release, at 1.0, on the first of November. 
>Technically not October news, but we're so excited we
> >>don't care. Validator comes out of the Struts project and is designed to make 
>validating fields of data easier [4].
> >>
> >>[1] - 
> >>[2] - 
> >>[3] - 
> >>[4] - 
> >>
> >>
> >>Articles
> >>--------
> >>The Digester project was the subject of articles at both OnJava [1] and JavaWorld 
> >>
> >>The Lang project was the subject of an article at Builder [3].
> >>
> >>[1] -
> >>[2] -
> >>[3] -
> >>
> >>
> >>Gossip
> >>------
> >>There is much talk over a new Clazz project, hiding away in the Commons-Sandbox. 
>Stephen Colebourne and Dmitri Plotnikov have
> >>leading a set of long threads on this. Aspects of this may see the BeanUtils 
>project transferring some of its low-level code
> >>
> >>
> >to
> >
> >
> >>Lang to assist in Java Reflection.
> >>
> >>The Lang project will be consuming some aspects of the Patterns [located in the 
>sandbox] project's classes.
> >>
> >>The FileUpload project has moved from the sandbox to the main Commons repository. 
>So expect a release to sneak onto the horizon
> >>the next few months here.
> >>
> >>October was also home to a lot of talk on a new Apache-level project known as the 
>Apache-Commons. Inspired by you know who, it
> >>
> >>
> >seeks
> >
> >
> >>to provide reusable components with a level of language agnosticism. Figuring out 
>how the old Jakarta Commons works with the new
> >>Apache Commons will probably take up time over the next half a year.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Korean Jakarta
> >>==============
> >>"Jakarta Site in Korean"
> >>Editor: Jaechun Noh
> >>
> >>Java developers in Korea have more interests in jakarta project than all the time. 
>But many of them have trouble directly
> >>original English site. Most problems we are encounterd during development using 
>jakarta projects can be solved only if we search
> >>
> >>
> >for
> >
> >
> >>site manuals. We want many people directly searching informations by their 
>convenient languages.
> >>
> >>Currently about 35 people participate in the project, and Hangul translation of 13 
>subprojects is in progress. Tomcat, Struts,
> >>Among those have many volunteers more than three since interests in those 
>subprojects are higher than any others in Korea. At
> >>end of this year, we plan to finish all documents in Tomcat 4.X, Struts 1.0.2, 
>POI, JMeter, Ant etc. We are all working with
> >>purpose without any support from commercial corporation and without any reward.
> >>
> >>[1] -
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Lucene
> >>======
> >>"a high-performance, full-featured text search engine"
> >>Editor: Otis Gospodnetic
> >>
> >>The biggest change to Lucene since Auguest was the addition of a mechanism that 
>allows Document and Field boosting [1]. This
> >>
> >>
> >change
> >
> >
> >>allows one to give additional boost to certain documents and/or fields, which 
>results in those documents getting a higher
> >>when they match a query.
> >>
> >>A new method, setPositionIncrement() in Token class was added. This permits, for 
>the purpose of phrase searching, placing
> >>terms in a single position. This is useful with stemmers that produce multiple 
>possible stems for a word. This also permits the
> >>introduction of gaps between terms, so that terms which are adjacent in a token 
>stream will not be matched by and exact phrase
> >>query. This makes it possible, e.g., to build an analyzer where phrases are not 
>matched over stop words which have been removed.
> >>Finally, repeating a token with an increment of zero can also be used to boost 
>scores of matches on that token.
> >>
> >>Boris Okner [2] made a big contribution with his Russian Analyzer.
> >>
> >>There was some smaller bug fixes, new classes (QueryFilter), IndexWriter class got 
>getAnalyzer() method, etc.
> >>
> >>[1] - 
> >>[2] -
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Struts
> >>======
> >>Editor:Ted Husted
> >>
> >>The Struts team is proud to welcome 4 new Committers this month, David Karr, Eddie 
>Bush, David Graham, and James Mitchell [1].
> >>
> >>Everyone is working steadily toward the release of Struts 1.1 beta 3. To help keep 
>everyone on track, the team added a
> >>Roadmap [2].
> >>
> >>There are a number of "nice to haves" that won't make Struts 1.1 which are now 
>slated for Struts 1.2. Farther down the road,
> >>
> >>
> >Struts
> >
> >
> >>2.0 will rely upon the new standards, like JavaServer Faces and JSTL.
> >>
> >>The platform for Struts 1.1 will remain Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1. However, a Struts 
>JSTL taglib is available in the nightly build
> >>contrib directory and will be released with Struts 1.1 as a separate download.
> >>
> >>Solid Struts support for the other new standard, Struts JavaServer Faces, is under 
>development, but cannot be released quite yet
> >>[3].
> >>
> >>Meanwhile, the Struts User list will continue to enjoy its "casual Friday" policy. 
>Off-topic messages are tolerated on Fridays
> >>long as the message is prefixed with the token [FRIDAY]. Posting [FRIDAY] articles 
>on any other weekday is strongly discouraged.
> >>
> >>[1] -
> >>[2] -
> >>[3] -
> >>
> >>
> >>--
> >>To unsubscribe, e-mail:   <mailto:general-unsubscribe@;>
> >>For additional commands, e-mail: <mailto:general-help@;>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >--
> >To unsubscribe, e-mail:   <mailto:general-unsubscribe@;>
> >For additional commands, e-mail: <mailto:general-help@;>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
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