Yesterday I received the Jakarta Monthly Newsletter. Interesting as always,
until I got to the section on PMC nominations. There, I suddenly found my
name listed as elected to the Jakarta PMC. This came as a complete surprise
and shock to me.

When I followed the relevant link, I discovered that a discussion had taken
place on this list, but I was not subscribed to general@jakarta (unless I'm
mistaken, I'm not required to subscribe). At no point was a personal email
sent to myself (or I guess the others nominated). I feel as though I have
been pressganged.

Unless I am mistaken, being a PMC member implies an overseing role for the
whole of jakarta, a requirement to follow PMC issues and votes and to be a
manager. Whilst the concept of being able to push forward jakarta, JSRs,
make decisions etc is appealing, I do not believe that I have the time
available to do the job. Hell, I already lack the time to fully oversee the
commons-lang, commons-collections and commons-clazz projects that I am
involved with as I would like :-)

So, unless someone magically wants to convince me otherwise, I must
respectfully decline the pressgang.


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