Andy wrote:
|  >Apache has tools that provide quantitative feedback on the development
|  >process.   Can any of these be adapted to provide quantitative feedback 
|  >on the post-public spec development process, using historical (public) data?
|  >  
|  >
|  And what is the milestone?  Creation of lots of needless JSRs?  I 
|  suspect the JCP does exactly what Sun intends it to do. 

That doesn't preclude Apache (or Andy) from systematically benchmarking 
JCP by Apache values.    It certainly happens informally, but we know the
benefits (and costs) of process formality.

|  >Is there a subset of Apache members who represent smaller commercial
|  >companies, who won't/can't incur the JCP overhead, but who wish to give
|  >their customers the benefits of inter-vendor portability and test
|  compliance?
|  >  
|  >
|  And wish for those "standards" to be blessed and "guided" by Sun...  Nope.

I meant that such Apache members could create their own "standards" to be
blessed and "guided" by themselves and constituents, inheriting values from
Apache and the good parts (if any) of the JCP.

Compatibility testing and certification have economic value, even to 
"smaller" vendors and customers.   Apache success in innovation 
and evolution only increases the economic value of stability (= non-evolution). 

Software history is replete with creation of new "economic tiers".  Even 
"open-source" has it's GPL, BSD and countless other camplets.  If an 
existing organization can't serve multiple audiences, is there room and
reason for a supplemental one?


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