On Sunday, March 16, 2003, at 10:02 PM, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

On 17/3/03 1:24 "Hans Bergsten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I agree that there's been problem with the Servlet EG this time around,
but what I'm saying is that there are avenues that we _could_ have
used to voice our concerns, but we didn't for some reason. There are a
number of mailing lists and online forums where developers interested
in the fate of the spec hangs out. We could have started discussions
there, and urged people to send feedback to Sun.

This is why I feel that my work as the official representative to that EG
has been a failure :-( _MY_ failure...

Well - it's always easy to look back and see what you could have done differently. Is it too late?


Geir Magnusson Jr                                   203-956-2604(w)
Adeptra, Inc.                                       203-434-2093(m)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   203-247-1713(m)

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