
If you are serious about this then there is a couple of things I would do to 
make Jakarta peeps take note. 

* change the license to Apache-like or lighter (ie BSDL)
* change the way you run the project to be in the Apache "tradition" (ie 
meritocracy and our decision making process)
* start talking with Apache projects that you are likely to collaborate with 
(cocoon and Jelly jump to mind).
* make sure the developer community is obvious (couldn't see anything off your 

As to the code - it looks really good and the documentation is great aswell. 
However Apache largely considers quality a side-effect of a good community so 
it is not sufficient to just be good code.

Anyways I would definetly talk to some cocoon people as they will hopefully be 
interested - they have what is a very similar framework except that it is 
broader reaching, centrally controlled and pull based where yours seems 
simpler and more focused. You may be able to collaborate with them on 
implementation of stages.

Anyways the best way to become a part of the community is to reach out and 
start talking with people who are in similar areas and you can collaborate 
with. Hopefully someone will step up to be a "sponsor" and after you have 
done that drop by incubator.apache.org lists and make the proposals.

On Mon, 2 Jun 2003 11:12 pm, McDonald, Bruce wrote:
> All,
> I am the project leader for the Babeldoc project (http://www.babeldoc.com)
> and have been tasked to see if we can join the Jakarta project.  We are
> currently an open source project (GPL) hosted on SourceForge but we have
> found ourselves relying more and more on Jakarta code.  Additionally we
> think that are a good fit for Jakarta since Babeldoc is complementary to
> the projects on Jakarta - Babeldoc does stuff that is not done by any other
> project in Jakarta.
> I have read the guidelines given on your subprojects page and feel that we
> (mostly) comply with all the points.  Please advise me as to the next
> steps.  We are prepared to change the license on the code.
> regards,
> Bruce McDonald.
> PS.  This is my work email.  I can be contacted at
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Peter Donald
|   An eye for eye only ends up making the whole  | 
|      world blind.  - Gandhi                     |

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