Unfortunately only someone who doesn't use Outlook can really sue M$.  You
see the license agreement says you hold them harmless.  Now a non-party to
the license agreement can obviously sue them (I think).


On 6/27/03 1:58 PM, "Santiago Gala" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Andrew C. Oliver escribió:
>> I'd be all of this if it would make a difference, unfortunately you're
>> barking up the wrong tree.  I'm getting that virus/attachment to every email
>> address I have just about.  I think it looks locally (user address book,
>> etc).  Thus I'm against this on the principal that its a big waste of time.
>> Spammers will get publicly posted email addresses elsewhere and viruses get
>> them from outlook.  (and I mean OUTLOOK.  You want to stop mail viruses???
>> STOP USING M$ OUTLOOK AND EXCHANGE.  Write your sysadmin, explain to him
>> that he's an idiot for installing that "security hole with email features").
> +10000
> I blogged that governments and corporations should sue Microsoft about
> Outlook security flaws. (Spanish:
> http://memojo.com/memojowiki/Wiki.jsp?page=SantiagoGalaBlog_blogentry_110603_2
> )
> Governments and Corporations are loosing tons of money because of this.
> Today I received 5 viruses this way.
> A short questin: what would happen if your brand new Ford or Toyota
> would unlock the doors automatically every time a person passing by
> clapped hands? Microsoft has been selling a "product" with this feature
> for years.
> I don't get it. Except Microsoft has too much power for a government or
> a company suing on this.
>> -Andy
>> On 6/27/03 10:32 AM, "Andrus Adamchik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Andrew C. Oliver
Custom enhancements and Commercial Implementation for Jakarta POI

For Java and Excel, Got POI?

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